To the Z8 competetive community

Maybe some of u dont know me but atm me and my stream team are streaming crossfire matches in good quality and no lagg. ATM we are only streaming the european teams (cause of the big tournements there but will be ended soon) so me and xeNNNN sitted down a talk and we are both intrested to stream some american teams , now since i left this community when i moved on to the european one i dont know what tournement there is atm for u guys (because we prefere streaming matches that are 100% legit without hacks or anything) anyway so we are looking to stream some american teams and to get them involved in the beyondC stream community. I hope u one of u guys can lead me a bit where the big tournements are for Z8 games and where i can contact some teams.

here some links

ps: please dont blame my ****ty english ^^


  • 'sG wrote:
    galoni;3336729']Maybe some of u dont know me but atm me and my stream team are streaming crossfire matches in good quality and no lagg. ATM we are only streaming the european teams (cause of the big tournements there but will be ended soon) so me and xeNNNN sitted down a talk and we are both intrested to stream some american teams , now since i left this community when i moved on to the european one i dont know what tournement there is atm for u guys (because we prefere streaming matches that are 100% legit without hacks or anything) anyway so we are looking to stream some american teams and to get them involved in the beyondC stream community. I hope u one of u guys can lead me a bit where the big tournements are for Z8 games and where i can contact some teams.

    here some links

    ps: please dont blame my ****ty english ^^

    Perhaps we could do some bo3 showmatches with some of the top NA teams vs top EURO teams? That would be interesting to watch and for the spirit of competition :)
  • Vodkah you have xfire? I got a question for you.
  • Zzxq wrote: »
    Vodkah you have xfire? I got a question for you.

    pm;d you.
  • Vodkah_h wrote: »
    Perhaps we could do some bo3 showmatches with some of the top NA teams vs top EURO teams? That would be interesting to watch and for the spirit of competition :)

    that would be indeed interesting, but quite frankly it would just cause more problems eventually it would be great to have both communities merge and play each other but in the long run i dont think either communities in general want to play each other. most euro's now prefer to just stick with ESL + CF EU mainly because of the scene i have asked around about this not many seem willing as they are convinced it will just turn into a flame war over who is really better and quite frankly im inclined to agree & NA seem to just get angry about the whole thing especially when scriming EU players but that isnt everybody, maybe in the future though :).

    our main goal at the moment though is to continue streaming the European scene separately considering we have EMS finals this Sunday and GO4CFCUP to stream which a weekly thing, depending on the support of this community to our stream and the casters including myself then maybe we can talk EU vs NA but for now I think we just want to test the streams with you guys before we go any further assuming everyone approves of our abilities and capability to cast NA teams.

    with any luck, everyone will like what we are doing or at least "most" then we can move forward and start to help you guys with your scene to, once we're established here then we'll be able to mediate between the communities :) then we can see about getting some NA vs EU matches set up (it is a delicate situation though i hope you understand that lol).
  • oh and by the way guys on Sunday we will be streaming the EMS (ESL major series finals) which is a big event for the European scene so if you guy's are interested in our stream at all and want to see how we deal with stream and casting then you are welcome to do so, just so you guy's can see what we're like and if you enjoy and for possibly some feed back to make it better.

    we already have a thread constantly being updated with casted matches by me and usually credibility with cast controlling the stream so check some of our stuff out.

    we are also hopefully casting a draft that's being put together just for some fun and like i said the EMS finals on Sunday so we will update the thread when we're about to go live and after in case anyone missed it so they can catch the VOD on our media channels.