Looking for a team

Just looking for an active team that scrims alot. I'm an excellent rifler and a mediocre sniper. All of my aliases are [GanjaKing], Turizal, DomeSyndrome, and now [Terrell]. I used to be in mediocre clans such as Serbia, dpkp, OG, and Welfare. And I find myself carrying most of the time. Looking for a team with a skill set preferably higher than my own so I don't have to carry nonstop, thus being able to rely on my team for a win and also to continually improve by learning from others.

Although I'm quite limited during the weekdays because of my 60-hrs-a-week-night-time-work-schedule, I listen very well, call well, and I'm very laid back so I never rage. Let me know if you're able to try me out this weekend. I must quench my competitive thirst.
