CF Balkan

Please don't spam the thread with useless posts if you are not from balkan!


Greetings to all players from the Balkans.


1. I have a clan, I don't need one
- CF Balkan is not a CF clan

2. Not a clan? What is it?
- CF Balkan is a comunity for all players from Balkan/Ex Yu countries

3. Why should I join?
- For fun :)

4. What do you offer to me?
- We offer you:

A brand new comunity with specific goals:

1. Video and picture editing
2. Tournaments and big prizes
3. Informations about events from CF world all in one place
4. Free public Teamspeak 3 server for your clan

and many more comming soon

So if you wanna be a part of huge rising cf comunity, join us on our facebook page, and stay tuned for upcoming events.

We do not support CF hacking!
Additional Tags: Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia
Hrvatska, Srbija, Makedonija, Albanija, Crna Gora, Bosna i Hercegovina
