Intimidated? now recruiting

We're a very tight team; we work together, have some strats, but mostly just anticipate each other's gaming style to do our best in CWs or in pubs (whatever we feel like at the time). We are an extremely active CW clan.

What we expect:

1. Clan war often OR clan war when we need a member. This is usually rare; most clan wars are optional AND we usually have more than enough to play a clan war without asking people. Clan wars or pubs, please be active! It's not about the points, it's about the team. Please do not apply if clan wars do not interest you though.

2. Respect. Honesty. Team player. Willing to play against a stacked team in a pub (we all know people like to stack). Put the clan before your stats and your stats will be better than if you played on your own.

3. Absolutely no glitching, farming or cheating. No accusations; just handle the situation by kicking a player who the majority of the room thinks that he/she hacks OR leave the room. Never accuse a player because they kill you. Report those that you feel need to be reported. NEVER allow a hack to play on your team; integrity is a must.

4. If you plan to clan war, please have vent. You don't necessarily need a mic; it's just so we can talk to you and let you know what's going on.

5. If you're not above 18, please act like you are. Maturity is a must.

6. Skill is appreciated but, for members with the right attitude, we're willing to help you learn the game.

7. Good sportsmanship. This is non-negotiable. You must have good sportsmanship to play with us.

If we're not the clan for you, good luck in finding one that fits you best.
