Ranked e8 Standing as of 12/3/12

1st Place: MTW (8-4) 9 Points

2nd Place: Bld` Jeden (5-0) 7 Points

3rd Place: AcgTooltime (5-3) 5 Points

4th Place: VICI (3-0) 4 Points

5th Place: Red Rebels (3-1) 3 Points

6th Place: Fragstars X (3-2) 3 Points

7th Place: Deity (3-4) 3 Points

8th Place: Philippines (2-3) 2 Points

9th Place: Team Mexico (1-1) 1 Point

10th Place: Project D (1-2) 1 Point

11th Place: Undaunted (1-7) 1 Point

12th Place: WekWek, Randies, NOUVELLEMENT (0-1)

15th Place: FoF, OnSight (0-3)

No Matches Played: Veracity, Fantastic 5 (Famous's team), Synapse, f2, Throne*, YoungKrew, #MLG, Splashed, TeamRex, #isdope, Strawberry, Myg0t, Standout

Please try and set up matches with teams not on the board yet, as well as teams that are.
If your team is not listed and would like to join contact me in game: -Zzxq or Xfire: zzxq

Some minor updates have been made to the league website. Also I am looking for people interested in working with me on the league. Let me know if you are interested.

Thanks to all who participate in e8 ranked and good luck to all the teams involved.
