FirstTake is Recruiting!

FirstTake has now decided to Open Recruitments Anyone and Everyone who plays S&D Daily, Loves to Scrim, Has Ventrilo + Mic (Mic Exception if you dont have). This is a limited Open Recruitment. So take it while you can.

Rank means nothing, so forget our rank, New Team was made of friends that has been playing together for years. We've played together in CS1.6 CSS COD TF2, We've also played in the Highest Level of Competition Leagues throughout these games. Some CALpremier CS1.6, Most CALinvite and CEVOprofessional CSS, CALmain COD&TF2.

Remember This is a Limited time offer, so Apply, Invite your Friends, oh what the hell, Invite everyone. Just Be Active, S&D Player and Have Ventrilo + Mic (Mic Exception if you dont have)

Message EverettS in game if any Questions/Concerns or for more Information.
