Totalchaos looking for a merger

we active clan that likes to scrim daily and like to have fun we use ventrilo that we ask any clan that merges with us have ventrilo mics not required but recommended come check us out
1 active members
2 ventrilo
3. at least 10 clan points a week
so come get sum


  • Merge With Us.

    FirstTake is Recruiting Active, Professional, Scrim Players.

    We are looking for players that can

    - Hits Shots
    - Communicates
    - Ventrilo + Mic
    - Carry own Weight
    - Clutch, Call, Listen

    We require players to have

    - Positive KDR
    - Activeness is a MUST
    - Game sense.

    FirstTake is not your Ordinary Team, we are a team full of Experienced Professional FPS Gamers coming together throughout Different Games, such as CS1.6 CSS COD2 COD4 TF2..and so much More, We've all competited at the highest level of competition throughout these games such as CALinvite, CEVOprofessional, LAN Experience as well.

    So if you are interested in Applying for our Team, please leave a brief note of what your past Experience is and be ready for every tryout / trial

    You can message me in game - EverettS
  • lol your funny

    we have a 100 man slot and active ventrilo and we ranked 220 and we got innerclan tourneys and plus you can earn zp in this clan as we and by the end of this month you can earn a 10 exp backpack for 30 days for the most clan points for the top 15players of the clan