What to do...?

Ok so I've decided I'll start playing crossfire more and might even move the game to my alienware and force myself to play on a laptop >.< (desktops ftw) since well its prob got the best setup out of all my comps >.<, so with that being said I'm wondering what's to do like really do in game? I've played for a while but lost my passion for shooting people in the face and tbagging the fallen, I want ideas on how to get it back. I LOVE TD with just pistols (gold Deagle FTW) and even play reg TD with just a pistol at times (>.<').

So basically I'd like to know well what keeps you guys going.

I'm stuck on the fence between playing a FPS or a MMORPG >.< Love the fast in your face click or die action of the FPS and the idk indepth team work and support of a MMORPG (NOT WoW >.< Hell to the No lol)

So yeah what keeps you guys going on this game, just a extreme over addiction to FPS?

