honorable soldier ? ! ! !

hey guys
we all know that the honorable soldier ribbon for the guys who didnt get block befor right ?
But i think it isn't enough there are players didnt kik the hakrs in thier team just to win the game is that honor ?
i ask the gm to block this guys or send them a warning 3 or 5 times in massages befor block them too and we can add a condition for this idea
like (example) if the hak stay more than 2 rounds in the game
some thing like apunish
i think that will be cool step against hakrs
whats ur opinion ?


  • well, first, if the game itself can't detect hacks (if it could, there'd be a lot less hacks available), how are they going to make it detect a hacker in the team, AND if someone didn't kick them?
    also, if, like you said, this were to be done manually, it'd be too much work, and not worth it.

    so no I'm pretty sure it won't happen.
  • really bad idea, even though I kick hackers every time I see them in my team.
  • Do we not speak pure English?

    OT: This is a very bad idea, what if the person was limited? What if they were AF.K? What if their Esc key broke? A lot of things would prevent someone from kicking a hacker, so should they be penalized for it? I don't think so.
  • well, first, if the game itself can't detect hacks (if it could, there'd be a lot less hacks available), how are they going to make it detect a hacker in the team, AND if someone didn't kick them?
    also, if, like you said, this were to be done manually, it'd be too much work, and not worth it.

    so no I'm pretty sure it won't happen.
    And to add to this. How are you going to tell a hacker and a very good player on your team apart, when most of you can't even tell them apart when you're playing against them?
  • And to add to this. How are you going to tell a hacker and a very good player on your team apart, when most of you can't even tell them apart when you're playing against them?
    i think the best way 2 have a game with the least hacking rate is 2 go 2 UK4
  • then nobody will hav honorable soldier ribbon XD
  • okey guys
    i just suggest this idea cuz the GM didnt accept the good 1
    it was in an other topic
    i suggested . . .
    6aL2a2 wrote: »
    whynot we make a ribbon for every 100 real new hacker report

    and we can block ip for 30 day exchange to block account or after bann the account
    i know guys that get banned for acc
    but they can creat more and more accounts & hak more thats mean that the problem didnt solve . . .
    and dnt say changing ip isnt problem cuz the programs that do that make the ping so high they cant enjoy the game and in the game they will be kick cuz of lag
    and if they can change it why we didnt make the xtrap send us the real IP ?

    we can add some thing
    we can make a punish for the spam like a (-10) report cuz that will Disrupts the GM
    and the reports that will be count is that will report new hakr only
    that will make the players when see a hakr that will report him by name

    really we will get more and more reports in the first cuz now , there r more hakrs but when all detected + xtrap updates + blocking ip for the hakrs idea that will reduce the hakrs & reports
    the GM was afraid from the reports XD
    i know watching our reports isnt easy at all
    but that will be only in the first cuz there r more of hakrs
    but when all detected ! ? and blocked ! ?
    and it isnt our problem z8 can get more GM for hacking report only
    we have aproblem here and blocking accounts didnt solve it

    i can change my ip but that make my ping so high more lager XD

    plus the punish for reporting spam
    and we can make a list by name for hakrs cuz when u report a hakr the first thing u write it in the report is the IGN
    XD its easy
  • 6aL2a2 wrote: »
    okey guys
    i just suggest this idea cuz the GM didnt accept the good 1
    it was in an other topic
    i suggested . . .
    6aL2a2 wrote: »
    whynot we make a ribbon for every 100 real new hacker report

    and we can block ip for 30 day exchange to block account or after bann the account
    i know guys that get banned for acc
    but they can creat more and more accounts & hak more thats mean that the problem didnt solve . . .
    and dnt say changing ip isnt problem cuz the programs that do that make the ping so high they cant enjoy the game and in the game they will be kick cuz of lag

    we can add some thing
    we can make a punish for the spam like a (-10) report cuz that will Disrupts the GM
    and the reports that will be count is that will report new hakr only
    that will make the players when see a hakr that will report him by name

    really we will get more and more reports in the first cuz now , there r more hakrs but when all detected + xtrap updates + blocking ip for the hakrs idea that will reduce the hakrs & reports

    the GM was afraid from the reports XD
    i know watching our reports isnt easy at all
    but that will be only in the first cuz there r more of hakrs
    but when all detected ! ? and blocked ! ?
    and it isnt our problem z8 can get more GM for hacking report only
    we have aproblem here and blocking accounts didnt solve it

    i can change my ip but that make my ping so high more lager XD

    plus the punish for reporting spam
    and we can make a list by name for hakrs cuz when u report a hakr the first thing u write it in the report is the IGN
    XD its easy

    The problem with making a ribbon for reporting is that thousands of players are going to try and get the ribbon as fast and easily as possible. Players would first send hundreds of reports each of players they 'think' hack, then when they don't get the ribbon in a few days they will start complaining and spamming the forums about it. Support will be flooded with hundreds of thousands of reports and the forums will be flooded with ribbon spammers demanding the ribbon.
  • i told u
    we can make apunish for spamming !
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