LAN ETS - CrossFire LAN Tournament - Discussion Thread.

We were able to talk to LAN ETS about it, and they are willing to make it a partnered tournament if we pay one of the partnership fees.

I've been talking with other organizations that would contribute to make this happen and they are interested, but they need to know how many people WOULD attend.

Only thing you as an individual player or/and as a team would have to cover the following:
  • 50$ per player (Full BYOC Player)
  • BYOC - Bring your own computer
  • Bring money for food

CrossFire LAN itself would be 1-2 days.

There are over $15,000 in prizes to be won, so therefore the CrossFire part of the LAN would be on the high side of prizes with cash and equipment, especially with the contribution of other organizations that we are talking to.

If you can discuss this with your team and get feedback, we will give LAN ETS the results as we will be marking down attending teams on a sheet for them to show them in December.

and yet again, please, only say your team will go if you CAN go. The dates are March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.. all on a weekend, located in Montreal Quebec.

Also note that everyone is allowed to attend, even people from the United States - not just Canada.

