[WOGL] Looking for someone to replace me



  • well, i appreciate you trying to help out doop, it's obvious you have been doing all you can to help push the competitive scene forward.

    i just don't understand why you're quitting over something so small. firstly, i thought this was an "INVITE" tournament? how are you going to invite players/teams to the event and then complain that they act like morons? you're not new to the community, you know who's who.

    and besides, even if they are in the tournament, last time i checked; YOU'RE THE AUTHORITY. honestly, i don't know who you're referring to, or what they did to bring this all out, but it doesn't make sense to run away from it. DQ them, boot them from the tournament entirely, etc - do whatever you feel is necessary.

    i don't understand what the problem is.

    edit; anyways, i hope you continue running the tournament. whether or not you see it, there are plenty of people that appreciate your help.
  • 15oLogic wrote: »
    We never tried to "bring a league down", most of the leagues just couldn't handle the pressure of a little dispute. When you beat a team by on average 10+ rounds a scrim (ezreal) or you shiit on a team on client (Throne) and these teams magically get good overnight and start prefireing stuff on a client that hasn't been proven to work (I've seen people log into it with cheats on and they haven't been wogl-banned yet) obviously we're going to dispute.

    this should be completley thrashed... ur first step after u lose id to blame the ac? so what u get prefired th maps dnt change time is kept constant if no one is a or mid and it's disclosed expect nades flying from b... also just cuz u destroy a team once doesnt mean ull do it again thats why theyre called upsets
  • doop just whines when stuff doesnt go his way even when he has authority over people
  • If your kids begin to argue and disobey you do you disown them?
  • If your kids begin to argue and disobey you do you disown them?

    I would say yes, but I'm pretty sure that's why columbine happened. I GOT JOKES ALL DAY PEEPS.
  • the_doop wrote: »
    Title says it all.

    I'm not gonna waste my time running tournaments for scumbags/losers like tool time. If anyone else wants to do it be my guest. Too many teams in this community are pathetic. Just email: admin@wogl.org if you are interested.

    See ya next spring for WCG 2013 (possibly).

    So you call us scumbags because you're suppose to be an admin but do not want to do your "job". I personally think CLG did cheat/them flying all over the map was pretty annoying, but my team decided to dispute a match. I don't see why this is so serious. Doop is a awful admin for running leagues.

    Hey, Doop which team are you going to call "LPK" this week? You get us dq'd out of tournament for no apparent reason beside you not liking us, and us disputing a match, good one fella.
  • 15oLogic wrote: »
    What about Throne? We 14-2'd them in CSN.

    This is why I don't post.
  • lulzwut wrote: »
    I don't like what I know about Tooltime but everyone is overlooking how poorly WOGL handles a little bit of pressure and being treated poorly by some 12 year olds.

    Wow now this is the most interesting thing I read in this post.
  • Honestly your in game conduct was enough to get you banned.
  • Chriss7 wrote: »
    So you call us scumbags because you're suppose to be an admin but do not want to do your "job". I personally think CLG did cheat/them flying all over the map was pretty annoying, but my team decided to dispute a match. I don't see why this is so serious. Doop is a awful admin for running leagues.

    Hey, Doop which team are you going to call "LPK" this week? You get us dq'd out of tournament for no apparent reason beside you not liking us, and us disputing a match, good one fella.

    You're the reason they created abortion.
  • spiKhserF wrote: »
    You're the reason they created abortion.
    You weren't saying that in wHp
  • Chriss7 wrote: »
    You weren't saying that in wHp

    i only joined that team for my friend Dropz. Thank you.
  • spiKhserF wrote: »
    i only joined that team for my friend Dropz. Thank you.

    lol, you're so 2 faced like its not even funny, a team I cut you from. inbe4allinsults because i don't care.
  • spiKhserF wrote: »
    i only joined that team for my friend Dropz. Thank you.

    you dont like me fresh?

    :( brb cutting myself
  • Chriss7 wrote: »
    lol, you're so 2 faced like its not even funny, a team I cut you from. inbe4allinsults because i don't care.
    not going to insult you. but please read what you said " LAUGH OUT LOUD you're so two faced like its not even funny, but you just laughed out loud it had to be funny and you cut me because you knew i was going to leave.
    MiKEYYYYz wrote: »
    you dont like me fresh?

    :( brb cutting myself

    please don't cut yourself and if i didn't like you i wouldn't talk to you.
  • spiKhserF wrote: »
    not going to insult you. but please read what you said " LAUGH OUT LOUD you're so two faced like its not even funny, but you just laughed out loud it had to be funny and you cut me because you knew i was going to leave.

    please don't cut yourself and if i didn't like you i wouldn't talk to you.
    2faced like I said.
  • Chriss7 wrote: »
    2faced like I said.

    Yes, you did say that there is no reason to repeat yourself. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  • Chriss7 wrote: »
    Hey, Doop which team are you going to call "LPK" this week?

    LPK has and always will be sype mrn doop 0z jbiel + cowoncrack (sype's old roomate).

    We just play on that clan name as there is no point in changing a team name every time our roster changes. It's definitely a bad thing to develop a friendship with your teammates when you play with them for 6+ years in some cases.
    Chriss7 wrote: »
    You get us dq'd out of tournament for no apparent reason beside you not liking us, and us disputing a match, good one fella.
    I didn't DQ you (I have no administrative powers at www.wogl.org), nor did I ask oL/Kain to DQ you. Keep blaming me if it helps you cope. In reality, you got no one but yourselves to blame for the DQ. All I did was send oL this email:
    Sorry to waste your time, but I have lost interest in helping run the z8 brawl. I just can't stand several of the teams in the NA community. As much as I wanted to help out teams like Jeden/LifeLine/Carnage/HammerTime get good tournaments to play in; the scales have tipped and the negative outweigh the positive. Hopefully someone steps up and does some good. I just don't see myself as that person.
    GMSaidin wrote:
    Also really sorry to hear about this WOGL stuff, I'm just catching up on it. I was away this weekend so I wasn't around for an interview, though I feel that wouldn't have helped either way!

    I'm also feeling at a loss for figuring out what to do about the attitude of the community, it seems nothing anyone is doing is changing it.

    Seems I'm not the only one who feels this way. Too bad perm bans are deemed too harsh.
    Chriss7 wrote: »
    So you call us scumbags because you're suppose to be an admin but do not want to do your "job". I personally think CLG did cheat/them flying all over the map was pretty annoying, but my team decided to dispute a match. I don't see why this is so serious.
    First of all I wasn't an admin. I was merely helping with the logistics of the tournament as I have the contacts among the teams. Is this to difficult to wrap your puny mind around?

    It has very little to do with you disputing CLG (you have every right to dispute if you feel you were cheated against), it has everything with how you conduct yourselves overall.

    I call you scum bags for several reason:
    1) When you got disputed in LPK cup all you did was trash talk the other team in several threads. Then you made up your own interpretation of the rules to support you deleting your bandicams right after the match. When you found out that deleting your bandicams wasn't acceptable you instantly disputed everyone on the other team requesting all of their bandicams. What a joke.

    2) You brag about WCG Qualifiers when HWG went 0-1. Affliction went 2-0; with 1 forfeit win and a win over bld Exempt. Seriously come on. You definitely proved yourselves on myanticheat losing 18-4 against HT.

    3) In your LPK cup match vs throne once again you just sit there and **** talk non stop. Congrats you beat them in CSN 4 months ago! Why is that relevant at all? You think the CSN client is any better than anything else? Do you have something against people of other ethnicity? You go around acting like racist pigs and you want people to treat your team with respect. Get real.

    4) You have VIP cheats on standby to take some screenshot showing them up with the WOGL client open. Only scumbags would have cheats on the ready to troll the forums with.

    PS: The wogl ac doesn't "ban accounts instantly" it flags them.

    5) In a wogl match all you do is sit there and mm1. Taunting the other team, complaining about cheating, complaining about armor. They uploaded the screenshots; none of them showed armor. If you want to dispute fine. No need to be pompous *******s in global chat all game long. Then carry it over into xfire conversations.

    6) You and your team constantly annoy the **** out of me on xfire. Luckily that has been solved by blocking all of you.

    7) No matter where you and your group of downies go you constantly run your mouth. Doesn't matter if it is the BR server, playing some UK mix pug, or even on the forums. You talk so much ****, but when it comes to match time you can't even beat mid tier teams. Scrims don't matter little boy, only matches.
    Chriss7 wrote: »
    Doop is a awful admin for running leagues.
    Once again I have never ran any leagues. You are such a joke you can't even figure out what a league is.

    However, I did make some mistakes this WOGL tournament.
    1) I invited your team to it.
    2) I told mav he could play 4v5.

    Other than that everything else has been out of my control:
    As for CLG not being eligible. I wasn't told anything that teams had to be solely based in NA. If I knew this ahead of time I wouldn't of invited them.

    I did not tell LifeLine they could use wcg guns. Further more when they asked in the lobby, Juice told them they weren't allowed (he confirmed it on mumble as I was checking to make sure everyone was on the anticheat).
  • the_doop wrote: »
    LPK has and always will be sype mrn doop 0z jbiel + cowoncrack (sype's old roomate).

    We just play on that clan name as there is no point in changing a team name every time our roster changes. It's definitely a bad thing to develop a friendship with your teammates when you play with them for 6+ years in some cases.

    I didn't DQ you (I have no administrative powers at www.wogl.org), nor did I ask oL/Kain to DQ you. Keep blaming me if it helps you cope. In reality, you got no one but yourselves to blame for the DQ. All I did was send oL this email:
    Sorry to waste your time, but I have lost interest in helping run the z8 brawl. I just can't stand several of the teams in the NA community. As much as I wanted to help out teams like Jeden/LifeLine/Carnage/HammerTime get good tournaments to play in; the scales have tipped and the negative outweigh the positive. Hopefully someone steps up and does some good. I just don't see myself as that person.

    Seems I'm not the only one who feels this way. Too bad perm bans are deemed too harsh.

    First of all I wasn't an admin. I was merely helping with the logistics of the tournament as I have the contacts among the teams. Is this to difficult to wrap your puny mind around?

    It has very little to do with you disputing CLG (you have every right to dispute if you feel you were cheated against), it has everything with how you conduct yourselves overall.

    I call you scum bags for several reason:
    1) When you got disputed in LPK cup all you did was trash talk the other team in several threads. Then you made up your own interpretation of the rules to support you deleting your bandicams right after the match. When you found out that deleting your bandicams wasn't acceptable you instantly disputed everyone on the other team requesting all of their bandicams. What a joke.

    2) You brag about WCG Qualifiers when HWG went 0-1. Affliction went 2-0; with 1 forfeit win and a win over bld Exempt. Seriously come on. You definitely proved yourselves on myanticheat losing 18-4 against HT.

    3) In your LPK cup match vs throne once again you just sit there and **** talk non stop. Congrats you beat them in CSN 4 months ago! Why is that relevant at all? You think the CSN client is any better than anything else? Do you have something against people of other ethnicity? You go around acting like racist pigs and you want people to treat your team with respect. Get real.

    4) You have VIP cheats on standby to take some screenshot showing them up with the WOGL client open. Only scumbags would have cheats on the ready to troll the forums with.

    PS: The wogl ac doesn't "ban accounts instantly" it flags them.

    5) In a wogl match all you do is sit there and mm1. Taunting the other team, complaining about cheating, complaining about armor. They uploaded the screenshots; none of them showed armor. If you want to dispute fine. No need to be pompous *******s in global chat all game long. Then carry it over into xfire conversations.

    6) You and your team constantly annoy the **** out of me on xfire. Luckily that has been solved by blocking all of you.

    7) No matter where you and your group of downies go you constantly run your mouth. Doesn't matter if it is the BR server, playing some UK mix pug, or even on the forums. You talk so much ****, but when it comes to match time you can't even beat mid tier teams. Scrims don't matter little boy, only matches.

    Once again I have never ran any leagues. You are such a joke you can't even figure out what a league is.

    However, I did make some mistakes this WOGL tournament.
    1) I invited your team to it.
    2) I told mav he could play 4v5.

    Other than that everything else has been out of my control:
    As for CLG not being eligible. I wasn't told anything that teams had to be solely based in NA. If I knew this ahead of time I wouldn't of invited them.

    I did not tell LifeLine they could use wcg guns. Further more when they asked in the lobby, Juice told them they weren't allowed (he confirmed it on mumble as I was checking to make sure everyone was on the anticheat).

  • MiKEYYYYz wrote: »

    Come to wcg nationals next year. I'll fight your whole team 1on5 after wards.
  • my work here is done

    "scumbag" is the new trend
  • the_doop wrote: »
    LPK has and always will be sype mrn doop 0z jbiel + cowoncrack (sype's old roomate).

    We just play on that clan name as there is no point in changing a team name every time our roster changes. It's definitely a bad thing to develop a friendship with your teammates when you play with them for 6+ years in some cases.

    I didn't DQ you (I have no administrative powers at www.wogl.org), nor did I ask oL/Kain to DQ you. Keep blaming me if it helps you cope. In reality, you got no one but yourselves to blame for the DQ. All I did was send oL this email:
    Sorry to waste your time, but I have lost interest in helping run the z8 brawl. I just can't stand several of the teams in the NA community. As much as I wanted to help out teams like Jeden/LifeLine/Carnage/HammerTime get good tournaments to play in; the scales have tipped and the negative outweigh the positive. Hopefully someone steps up and does some good. I just don't see myself as that person.

    Seems I'm not the only one who feels this way. Too bad perm bans are deemed too harsh.

    First of all I wasn't an admin. I was merely helping with the logistics of the tournament as I have the contacts among the teams. Is this to difficult to wrap your puny mind around?

    It has very little to do with you disputing CLG (you have every right to dispute if you feel you were cheated against), it has everything with how you conduct yourselves overall.

    I call you scum bags for several reason:
    1) When you got disputed in LPK cup all you did was trash talk the other team in several threads. Then you made up your own interpretation of the rules to support you deleting your bandicams right after the match. When you found out that deleting your bandicams wasn't acceptable you instantly disputed everyone on the other team requesting all of their bandicams. What a joke.

    2) You brag about WCG Qualifiers when HWG went 0-1. Affliction went 2-0; with 1 forfeit win and a win over bld Exempt. Seriously come on. You definitely proved yourselves on myanticheat losing 18-4 against HT.

    3) In your LPK cup match vs throne once again you just sit there and **** talk non stop. Congrats you beat them in CSN 4 months ago! Why is that relevant at all? You think the CSN client is any better than anything else? Do you have something against people of other ethnicity? You go around acting like racist pigs and you want people to treat your team with respect. Get real.

    4) You have VIP cheats on standby to take some screenshot showing them up with the WOGL client open. Only scumbags would have cheats on the ready to troll the forums with.

    PS: The wogl ac doesn't "ban accounts instantly" it flags them.

    5) In a wogl match all you do is sit there and mm1. Taunting the other team, complaining about cheating, complaining about armor. They uploaded the screenshots; none of them showed armor. If you want to dispute fine. No need to be pompous *******s in global chat all game long. Then carry it over into xfire conversations.

    6) You and your team constantly annoy the **** out of me on xfire. Luckily that has been solved by blocking all of you.

    7) No matter where you and your group of downies go you constantly run your mouth. Doesn't matter if it is the BR server, playing some UK mix pug, or even on the forums. You talk so much ****, but when it comes to match time you can't even beat mid tier teams. Scrims don't matter little boy, only matches.

    Once again I have never ran any leagues. You are such a joke you can't even figure out what a league is.

    However, I did make some mistakes this WOGL tournament.
    1) I invited your team to it.
    2) I told mav he could play 4v5.

    Other than that everything else has been out of my control:
    As for CLG not being eligible. I wasn't told anything that teams had to be solely based in NA. If I knew this ahead of time I wouldn't of invited them.

    I did not tell LifeLine they could use wcg guns. Further more when they asked in the lobby, Juice told them they weren't allowed (he confirmed it on mumble as I was checking to make sure everyone was on the anticheat).
    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151209531214759 4mins
  • the_doop wrote: »
    Come to wcg nationals next year. I'll fight your whole team 1on5 after wards.
    You got, you win, you just proved me that you really are a downie. You act so tough over the internet behind your computer but to pu.ssy to do sht.
  • The stupidity in this thread is astonishing.

    On Topic:

    Thanks for trying to help the community grow Doop. If you're ever in the Upstate New York area, ill buy ya a drink.
  • As entertaining as this read was, this thread alone has filled my quota of juvenile arrogance and ignorance for the week.

    Be back in another two months.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    As entertaining as this read was, this thread alone has filled my quota of juvenile arrogance and ignorance for the week.

    Be back in another two months.

    The legend returns. Miss playing u, k bai.
  • Chriss7 wrote: »
    You got, you win, you just proved me that you really are a downie. You act so tough over the internet behind your computer but to pu.ssy to do sht.


    (chris to the left)
    I think he would rock you.
  • w8qic9.jpg

    (chris to the left)
    I think he would rock you.

    My b0ner....is not very b0ner at all :(
  • MiKEYYYYz wrote: »

    too old, b*tch n*gga.

This discussion has been closed.