Might&Honor - German/English Fair-Player-Clan

New Clan
Every fair match is a good match!

We are a German/English Fair-Player-Clan who search more players for Clanwars and private matches!
Wir sind ein Deutsch/Englischer Fair-Spieler-Clan welcher mehr Spieler sucht für Clanwars und Claninterne Spiele!

Clan Requirements
Kill/Death above 1,0 and 16+ Years old

Clan Rules
We are a Fair-Play-Clan, so please respect the rules.

1. Never use *Hacks* or *Glitches* !!!
2. Dont camp, spray, flame or stay scoped at one
position with your sniper (hardscoping).
3. Dont use Thin-Chars. (Spop/Star/SIA/L.A.Swat).
4. Dont use unfair weopons.
XM8/Beretta and DSR-1 because it mostly used
by Hardscopers)
5. Dont Farm.

Clan Application
Callname, Age, Gaming Exp., Country. (Maybe Skypename too)
