Advanced Player Leaderboard
The current leader board shows a list of players who farm daily, and don't play Cross Fire properly. I'd like to be able to see what my ranking is, and who is around me on the leader board.
I was thinking the leaderboard could be split into ranks (Rookie, Sargents, Lieutenants, etc.). This way we'd be able to see what players are near us, how much EXP we need in order to surpass the other players, and all that good stuff.
I was thinking the leaderboard could be split into ranks (Rookie, Sargents, Lieutenants, etc.). This way we'd be able to see what players are near us, how much EXP we need in order to surpass the other players, and all that good stuff.
Well, the list would have to include 2 Million+ players to get everyone displayed.. What's the purpose of it if you know you're rank 120313 in the end?
There should rather be something like a new system to display the top 100 that's not just based on rank and kd, maybe CW kd could be a criterion..
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