G36K Arctic Camo Elite

This idea is a bit different than the standard rifles suggested.


The G36K Arctic Camo Elite:

So what's so different about this gun that we haven't seen before, you ask? The scope. This rifle has a double zoom. The first scope (the one at the front) would be your basic 1.5x red dot, like you would find on rifles like the M4A1 Custom and Patriot. The second scope (the one in the back), when clicked into place, would add another 2x zoom and a sniper crosshair to the red dot's magnification, adding up to a total of 2.5x zoom.

Now I will hear people say that this is overpowered and it would have a better zoom than a sniper rifle. Not true. Sniper rifles in this game have either a 4x/8x double zoom or a 6x single zoom. Both of which magnify a great deal more that this double scope would. Furthermore, because the back scope needs to be clicked into place (take the animations into consideration), this double scope zooms in quite a bit slower than a sniper scope. Also, the G36K lacks the power and the accuracy of a sniper rifle, so without single tapping, you would basically be shooting all over the place without hitting that what you're aiming at.


  • +5 Ammo
  • 1.5x/2.5x Double Scope
  • Suppressor
  • Slightly faster reload
And before anyone asks; Yes, this is a ZP Crate suggestion.
