Aim High and <(+_+)>

It has come to my attention that both of these teams are dead, but still signed up for WOGL.

Why would you sign up to play in a league if you can't even make your team survive a week without dieing. Things like this is why it is hard to run events for Cross Fire. Quit remaking your roster every 4 days.

Neither spot will be filled by new teams. I will try to make sure none of the players on either team can play in the next WOGL event. Let this serve as a warning. Don't sign up if you don't intend to play, especially in an invite only tournament where some teams were left out.


  • While i'm probably not actually going to play CF any more due to the whole ordeal with <(+_+)>, I don't think it's really fair to bar members of these teams from playing in the next WOGL event. Tom and I were both completely out of the loop regarding our own team's situation and we had no control over our own team's disbandment - that was a decision made by our leader on his own accord. I can understand not filling the spots but it simply doesn't make sense to ban players from events simply because they got screwed over by their team's leader.
  • I thought WOGL is going to lock all the rosters for now on at some point? I mean if it doesn't work out for certain teams, then you can have a waiting list of the next team that qualifies to play in such events? There's no reason to make things more complex as you have all the tools in your hands. This is NA CF. It's not a first that people make a temp team.