well guys

well guys im about to quit crossfire i really need to spend more time with the family before i leave out so ill be on crossfire less and less until i leave for basic training so i do wish every team good luck during next wcg *if cf is picked back up* and any other tournament picks up crossfire. i know im going to get some trolls on this thread saying see you in 2 weeks and get out you cheat and all this other stuff.

thanks to everyone who i played with in my time of playing.

Alex:c0zen:inkmobb- thanks for all you have done made me laugh my ass off some times and your probably one of the most chillest guy on this game gonna miss you.

chase:leapy- your a fag but i still love you. you were one of the only one who was actually in a top team who didnt look down on people who sucked on this game like most of these wanna be top notch teams.

alvin- one of my best asian friend on this game. funny as hell at times and can really cheer you up when your down really good guy.

shadow:jeremy- you are a good friend that has been playing this game with me for a bit now can be a **** at times but chill as hell and funny as ****.

popz- been playing this game with you a while now your really good at sniping keep it up and find a good team for once you need one.

crazed- your annoying as hell but a good friend and work on your break dancing and get into a crew and you might end up like jabbawockez :)

famous- i know you think i cheat and all this **** but your the one who got me playing this game and taught me what i know you have always had my respect in this game good luck in the future.

razzlez- your dumb ass hell but your still pretty chill when your not a **** head good luck in the future life.

alevia:pedro the pedo: hah go back to mexico bud jk good luck in the future you might have something going for you and if you do already go for it.

malte- you were the reason i wanted to start using the ak47 you are one good ass player in this game good luck with the future if your still going to game.

blitzed:roth- you are one chill ass dude i know we didnt talk alot but your also one of the ones who dont look down on players that are below average your also one of the best players in this game and a good leader good luck in the future of gaming if you keep on doing it.

Erick- i know we bumped heads a couple of times but i have respect for you bud you have improved alot in this game and i wanna say good luck in the future of it.

ralf- i dont know you that good but you are a good player along side erick

brando- ah brando i remember it was like yesterday we use to pub along time ago together when i was name Xxghettokidz thin one day you up and left me all and ignore me like you didnt know me you **** but your a good player and good luck in the future.

silvr_knight:lethal_dragon- ah i remember like it was yesterday when first joined checkmate because of you and money the pub life back thin was fun as hell i missed them days good luck in college and split that money your getting with me you ass.

malice- ah remember like it was yesterday when i was first getting into the competitive section i chilled with you for a while and thin one day you quit thin came back and still chilled with you but not as much but your cool dude and i wish you the best of luck.

Hammertime- good luck at china

carnage- you guys did good at the canada lan good luck at lan guys

jeden - i know some of you guys i bumped heads with alot but you guys are good players and if i remember correctly back in prefire you guys was chill but good luck in the game and in life.

sure-shot:aaron- you are a good friend indeed to have you are a good player and keep it up and good luck in life

z8 mod- well i know most people wouldnt have good things to say about you guys because of what goes on in the game but good luck with the game i know it can become better thin it is and keep on banning them cheaters that come into the game :).

p.s.: if i have missed anyone leave a comment below and ill add it.
