GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary[V1.6]
Crossfire Slang Dictionary[V1.6]
Yes, it’s me, with a new version! (I finally had enough energy to do it. )
A dictionary to the various slang in Crossfire, sorted into alphabetical lists and updated constantly.
Previous Versions
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.1]
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.2]
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.3/V1.4]
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.5]
Viewing Help
Multiple definitions will be separated by a comma.
Feel free to post below Crossfire slang words not listed here, or correct any of my definitions, and I will try to incorporate it into the next version.
To find a specific term - Press CTRL+F (Or ⌘+F on a Mac) and type the phrase you wish to find. If you don't find it, post below what you want defined, so I can add it to my dictionary.
Contributing Forumers
Want to be on this list? Give me an addition to this dictionary, whether it be a single word or a list of them!
GoPancakes (duh)
And you, for taking the time to look at this!
Item terms
Terms used to describe CF items, such as sprays, helmets, weapons, temporary items, etc.
47 - AK-47
74 - AK-74
ACR - Bushmaster ACR
Adv - Advanced
AK - AK-47*
AUG - Steyr Aug A1
BD - breath down
Beretta - Beretta AR-70
BK - Brass Knuckles
cam - camo
Colt - Colt1911
crys - crystal
cus - custom
DC - Dual Colt, Digital Camo
DDB - Dual Double Barrel
DDE - Dual Desert Eagle
DE - Desert Eagle
deag - Desert Eagle
deagle - Desert Eagle
DEC - Desert Eagle Camo
DES - Desert Eagle Scope
despies - Dual Desperados
DM - Deathmatch
draggy - Dragunov
DU - Dual Uzi
dual despies - Dual Desperados
DUP - Dual Uzi Pink
duzis - Dual Uzis
ebr - M14EBR
failchester - Winchester
flash - Flashbang
G3 - G36K
GG - Gatling Gun
GGG - Gatling Gun Gold
Glock - Glock-18
Hallo - Halloween
hypo - Hypomed
Hypo - hypomed
imba - imbalanced
JH - Jackhammer
kriss - Kriss Super V
m12 - M12S
M14 - M14EBR
m4 - M4A1
M4A1-E - M4A1-Elite
Mauser - Mauser M1896
MG - Micro-Galil, Machine Gun
Minimi - M249 Minimi
MK23 - MK23 Socom
nade - Grenade
Noob Stick - Kukri/Shovel
OP - Overpowered
QBZ - QBZ-95
QBZ-C - QBZ-95-Camo
RD - Red Dragon
rev - revive
reviver - revive token
revtoken - revive token
Ruger - Ruger Mini-14
ruggy - Ruger Mini 14
rugy - Ruger Mini 14
scarl - Scar Light
sco - scope
scrub light - Scar Light
SD - Sound Down
SG - SG552
SH - Scar Heavy
sh - super hypomed
shotty - shotgun
shypo - super hypomed
shypomed - super hypomed
silv - silver
SL - Scar Light
SMG - Sub Machine Gun
Socom - MK23 Socom
Tar - Tar21
TFire - Triple Fire
token - Revive Token
tommy - Thompson
UP - Underpowered
Veresk - SR-2M Veresk
wallbang - how much damage a bullet of a gun does through shoot-through objects compared to how much damage it normally does (100% wallbang means it does the same amount of damage through objects and through air)
wb - wallbang
WH - Witches' Hat
winch - Winchester
Winchy - Winchester
winny – Winchester
Xams - Joke about the misspelled weapon in Crossfire: The “M4A1-Xams” (Xmas).
XM - XM8, XM1014
People terms
Terms used to describe CF players.
back reaper - a player who kills players from behind them
aeg - Argentinian
azn - Asian
Blocker - A mutant player blocking other mutants to prevent them from reaching humans thus letting them win
br - Brazilian
camper - "A term given to those who will place themselves in a strategic position and wait for an extended period of time until a target enters his field of view. The position usually allows one to surprise the target and allows the "camper" to eliminate him with ease. Despite being a perfectly legitimate strategy, it is criticized by a majority of the online community." - Urban Dictionary
can - Canadian
ch*nk - derogeratory term for Chinese person
Egy - Egyptian player
ger - German
Ger - German player
GM - Game Master (Admin)
GR - Greek player
gringo - english speaking player
KS - Kill Stealer
Mini Ping - Player whose ping is under one hundred (100) which indicates that they are most likely located in the US or Canada and are therefore a "gringo"
mod - Moderator
mvp - most valuable player
ninja - someone who kills with melee in a gun fight, a badass dude in a black suit wielding swords (hehe)
No reg - No registration
Noob - bad player
PT - Portuguese player
Rus - Russian player
scrub - noob
Turk - Middle Eastern player
vn - Vietnamese
waller - a player using a wallhack
In-Game terms
Terms used to describe in-game strategy, hack types, maps, game types etc.
1 click/tap - headshotting with 1 click
A7 - Alpha Server - Channel 7 (Chinese)
BH - Bunny-Hop
Bhop - Bunny-Hop
boosting - sometimes used interchangeably with farming, the act of crouching to let another player jump on top in order to reach normally inaccessible areas
BP - Bulletproof
Bunny-Hopping - An exploit that allows players to move at normal speed while making no sound and remaining invisible in Ghost Mode.
clutch - winning against the odds
CT - Chinatown
CW - Clan War
D9 - Delta Server - Channel 9 (Brazilian)
Dj - double jump
E8 - Echo Server - Channel 8 (Pros, typically WOGL rules)
EM - Elimination
Esc - escape
farming - the practice of killing players that have been set up in order to gain experience and GP
Hs - hard scope
interp - shooting at the corner of a wall
MM - Mutation Mode
noclip - a hack that allows players to go through normally opaque materials
Popcorn - grenade kill
PP - Pinpointing
QS - Quickscope
Quickscope - A tactic that involves utilizing quick reflexes to spot an enemy, centering them on screen as best as possible, and then zooming into the scope for the mere purpose of making the shot more accurate.
S&D - Search and Destroy
scrim - clan battle
spray - holding down the fire button with little aim
SS - Speed Slashing
tanking - lagging that causes an enemy's hitbox to be outside of where the body is located
TB - Team Bash
TD - Team Deathmatch
TDM - Team Deathmatch
Team Bash - killing all the players on the other team
WH - Wallhack
ZM - Zombie Mode
Other CF terms
All other CF terms that do not fit under any other category.
BL - Blacklist
BM - Black Market
BP - Bonus Points
CF - Crossfire
CP - Clan Points
CT - Global Risk
cw - clan wars
DM - Daily Mission
Esc-Enter-Enter - Telling a player to leave the game (try pressing this in-game)
frag - kill
Gh - good half (for clan wars)
GM - Ghost Mode
GP - Game Points
GR - Global Risk
hak - hack
hakk - hack
heck - hack
HM - Hero Mode
HMX - Hero Mode X
hock - hack
HS - Headshot
huck - hack
Ign - in game name
kack - hack
kak - hack
kaker - hacker
KD - Kill/Death Ratio
KDR - Kill/Death Ratio
kik - kick
kika - kick
KM - Killmark
KS - Killstreak, kill steal
nb - noob
Ninja’d - forum expression meaning to post right before someone else posts a similar post on the same thread
nub - noob
rack - hack
racka - hack
rak - hack
RF - Rival Factions
T - Blacklist
UGC - Ultimate Game Card (PlaySpan)
UP - Ultimate Points (PlaySpan)
WCG - World Cyber Games
WOGL - World Online Gaming League
X-Crap - X-Trap
Z8 - Z8games
ZP - Z8 Points
Foreign terms
Non-English terms often used in CF.
a7a - swear [unknown language]
aff - swear (Brazilian)
as - Aleykum (onto you in Egyptian)
boa - nice (Brazilian)
cao - Chinese insult
eff - swear [unknown language]
F - swear [unknown language]
FDP - Portuguese swear
Kos omak - egyptian swear
lixo - trash (Brazilian)
nao - no
piero - noob (Peruvian)
porra - Portugese swear
sa - Selaymun (peace in Egyptian)
sim - Portuguese for “yes”
voce e pro - you are pro
Other terms
Terms that are commonly used outside of CF, and often have a wide variety of uses.
afk - Away from keyboard
Bs - bullsh*t
DC- Disconnect
Def - definition
DMG - Damage
ffs - For F*cks Sake
G2g - got to go
GG - good game
Gg - good game
gj - good job
gl - good luck
glhf - good luck have fun
gtfo - Get the f*ck out
Gtg - got to go
hf- have fun
idk - I don’t know
imho - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
irl - In real life
l2p - learn to play
lmao - Laugh my ass off
lol - Laugh out loud
Lvl - Level
m8 - mate
n1 - nice one
np - no problem
ns - nice shot
ns - nice shot
nt - nice try
nvm - never mind
omg - oh my god
Pic - picture
PP – PayPal
qq - quit, cry
rofl - Rolling on the floor laughing
rpt - repeat
RQ- Rage quit
rtd - ret*rd
sry - sorry
SS - Screenshot
stfu - Shut the f*ck up
TS3 - Team Speak 3
Vent - Ventrilo
wb - welcome back
wtf - what the f*ck
wth - what the hell
*Note that while the player will be talking about the AK-47 most of the time when using “AK”, the AK-74 cannot be ruled out as a possibility due to the similar name, and to a lesser extent, the AKS-74U.
GoPancakes wrote: »o.o
I've had about seventeen people tell me it's not, and seventeen people tell me it is.
I have no idea.
a7a's origin is from arab countries. -
a7a is an Egyptian Swear.
as and sa are usually said by Turks, never seen an Egy say it, however, ALL muslims use it (In real world, some use it in games too).
F is F*ck in all languages
And Eff could mean :
1- F (like : Effin')
2- Eff like huffing, it is used to express anger or misery, but it isn't a swear.
Anyways, goodjob -
Not trying to insult you nor your 'dictionary', but to be honest people won't even take the time to read all of this. Also I've noticed words some really really really (yes 100000000000x more 'really's') STUPID and than the slang is just at its lowest lowest lowest and then I really mean its lowest threshold of being 'dumb'.
I've said enough. Bye. Have fun with your dicitonary. -
Not trying to insult you nor your 'dictionary', but to be honest people won't even take the time to read all of this. Also I've noticed words some really really really (yes 100000000000x more 'really's') STUPID and than the slang is just at its lowest lowest lowest and then I really mean its lowest threshold of being 'dumb'.
I've said enough. Bye. Have fun with your dicitonary.
Not meant to be read, in the same way you normally wouldn't read a dictionary.
Also, most of the content is contributed from fellow forumers. -
Not trying to insult you nor your 'dictionary', but to be honest people won't even take the time to read all of this. Also I've noticed words some really really really (yes 100000000000x more 'really's') STUPID and than the slang is just at its lowest lowest lowest and then I really mean its lowest threshold of being 'dumb'.
I've said enough. Bye. Have fun with your dicitonary.
It's a fun resource to have. I know I've refered it to a few new players and they have found it helpful.
Thanks pancakes for updating my IGN on the contributers list (It's Reflex/valens/grimace from united) -
[MOD]LobsterMts wrote: »a7a's origin is from arab countries.
Every Arab country has it's own accent.
Our accent is the most different that the original Arabic.
And a7a is includedGoPancakes wrote: »o.o
I've had about seventeen people tell me it's not, and seventeen people tell me it is.
I have no idea.
Take it from an Egy, it is -
Only Egy countries, only we say it
Every Arab country has it's own accent.
Our accent is the most different that the original Arabic.
And a7a is included
Take it from an Egy, it is
origin is from arab countries, though - and yeh I said that because it's on the list as an unknown language swear word. -
i know that GG means good game when I'm in game...
but I've seen GG used in forum lingo and I'm like.....That really don't fit there...
What tf does GG mean in forum it azn?
Link me to such a post and I'll try and infer. -
GoPancakes wrote: »Crossfire Slang Dictionary[V1.6]
Yes, it’s me, with a new version! (I finally had enough energy to do it. )
A dictionary to the various slang in Crossfire, sorted into alphabetical lists and updated constantly.
Previous Versions
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.1]
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.2]
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.3/V1.4]
GoPancakes' Crossfire Slang Dictionary [V1.5]
Viewing Help
Multiple definitions will be separated by a comma.
Feel free to post below Crossfire slang words not listed here, or correct any of my definitions, and I will try to incorporate it into the next version.
To find a specific term - Press CTRL+F (Or ⌘+F on a Mac) and type the phrase you wish to find. If you don't find it, post below what you want defined, so I can add it to my dictionary.
Contributing Forumers
Want to be on this list? Give me an addition to this dictionary, whether it be a single word or a list of them!
GoPancakes (duh)
And you, for taking the time to look at this!
Item terms
Terms used to describe CF items, such as sprays, helmets, weapons, temporary items, etc.
47 - AK-47
74 - AK-74
ACR - Bushmaster ACR
Adv - Advanced
AK - AK-47*
AUG - Steyr Aug A1
BD - breath down
Beretta - Beretta AR-70
BK - Brass Knuckles
cam - camo
Colt - Colt1911
crys - crystal
cus - custom
DC - Dual Colt, Digital Camo
DDB - Dual Double Barrel
DDE - Dual Desert Eagle
DE - Desert Eagle
deag - Desert Eagle
deagle - Desert Eagle
DEC - Desert Eagle Camo
DES - Desert Eagle Scope
despies - Dual Desperados
DM - Deathmatch
draggy - Dragunov
DU - Dual Uzi
dual despies - Dual Desperados
DUP - Dual Uzi Pink
duzis - Dual Uzis
ebr - M14EBR
failchester - Winchester
flash - Flashbang
G3 - G36K
GG - Gatling Gun
GGG - Gatling Gun Gold
Glock - Glock-18
Hallo - Halloween
hypo - Hypomed
Hypo - hypomed
imba - imbalanced
JH - Jackhammer
kriss - Kriss Super V
m12 - M12S
M14 - M14EBR
m4 - M4A1
M4A1-E - M4A1-Elite
Mauser - Mauser M1896
MG - Micro-Galil, Machine Gun
Minimi - M249 Minimi
MK23 - MK23 Socom
nade - Grenade
Noob Stick - Kukri/Shovel
OP - Overpowered
QBZ - QBZ-95
QBZ-C - QBZ-95-Camo
RD - Red Dragon
rev - revive
reviver - revive token
revtoken - revive token
Ruger - Ruger Mini-14
ruggy - Ruger Mini 14
rugy - Ruger Mini 14
scarl - Scar Light
sco - scope
scrub light - Scar Light
SD - Sound Down
SG - SG552
SH - Scar Heavy
sh - super hypomed
shotty - shotgun
shypo - super hypomed
shypomed - super hypomed
silv - silver
SL - Scar Light
SMG - Sub Machine Gun
Socom - MK23 Socom
Tar - Tar21
TFire - Triple Fire
token - Revive Token
tommy - Thompson
UP - Underpowered
Veresk - SR-2M Veresk
wallbang - how much damage a bullet of a gun does through shoot-through objects compared to how much damage it normally does (100% wallbang means it does the same amount of damage through objects and through air)
wb - wallbang
WH - Witches' Hat
winch - Winchester
Winchy - Winchester
winny – Winchester
Xams - Joke about the misspelled weapon in Crossfire: The “M4A1-Xams” (Xmas).
XM - XM8, XM1014
People terms
Terms used to describe CF players.
back reaper - a player who kills players from behind them
aeg - Argentinian
azn - Asian
Blocker - A mutant player blocking other mutants to prevent them from reaching humans thus letting them win
br - Brazilian
camper - "A term given to those who will place themselves in a strategic position and wait for an extended period of time until a target enters his field of view. The position usually allows one to surprise the target and allows the "camper" to eliminate him with ease. Despite being a perfectly legitimate strategy, it is criticized by a majority of the online community." - Urban Dictionary
can - Canadian
ch*nk - derogeratory term for Chinese person
Egy - Egyptian player
ger - German
Ger - German player
GM - Game Master (Admin)
GR - Greek player
gringo - english speaking player
KS - Kill Stealer
Mini Ping - Player whose ping is under one hundred (100) which indicates that they are most likely located in the US or Canada and are therefore a "gringo"
mod - Moderator
mvp - most valuable player
ninja - someone who kills with melee in a gun fight, a badass dude in a black suit wielding swords (hehe)
No reg - No registration
Noob - bad player
PT - Portuguese player
Rus - Russian player
scrub - noob
Turk - Middle Eastern player
vn - Vietnamese
waller - a player using a wallhack
In-Game terms
Terms used to describe in-game strategy, hack types, maps, game types etc.
1 click/tap - headshotting with 1 click
A7 - Alpha Server - Channel 7 (Chinese)
BH - Bunny-Hop
Bhop - Bunny-Hop
boosting - sometimes used interchangeably with farming, the act of crouching to let another player jump on top in order to reach normally inaccessible areas
BP - Bulletproof
Bunny-Hopping - An exploit that allows players to move at normal speed while making no sound and remaining invisible in Ghost Mode.
clutch - winning against the odds
CT - Chinatown
CW - Clan War
D9 - Delta Server - Channel 9 (Brazilian)
Dj - double jump
E8 - Echo Server - Channel 8 (Pros, typically WOGL rules)
EM - Elimination
Esc - escape
farming - the practice of killing players that have been set up in order to gain experience and GP
Hs - hard scope
interp - shooting at the corner of a wall
MM - Mutation Mode
noclip - a hack that allows players to go through normally opaque materials
Popcorn - grenade kill
PP - Pinpointing
QS - Quickscope
Quickscope - A tactic that involves utilizing quick reflexes to spot an enemy, centering them on screen as best as possible, and then zooming into the scope for the mere purpose of making the shot more accurate.
S&D - Search and Destroy
scrim - clan battle
spray - holding down the fire button with little aim
SS - Speed Slashing
tanking - lagging that causes an enemy's hitbox to be outside of where the body is located
TB - Team Bash
TD - Team Deathmatch
TDM - Team Deathmatch
Team Bash - killing all the players on the other team
WH - Wallhack
ZM - Zombie Mode
Other CF terms
All other CF terms that do not fit under any other category.
BL - Blacklist
BM - Black Market
BP - Bonus Points
CF - Crossfire
CP - Clan Points
CT - Global Risk
cw - clan wars
DM - Daily Mission
Esc-Enter-Enter - Telling a player to leave the game (try pressing this in-game)
frag - kill
Gh - good half (for clan wars)
GM - Ghost Mode
GP - Game Points
GR - Global Risk
hak - hack
hakk - hack
heck - hack
HM - Hero Mode
HMX - Hero Mode X
hock - hack
HS - Headshot
huck - hack
Ign - in game name
kack - hack
kak - hack
kaker - hacker
KD - Kill/Death Ratio
KDR - Kill/Death Ratio
kik - kick
kika - kick
KM - Killmark
KS - Killstreak, kill steal
nb - noob
Ninja’d - forum expression meaning to post right before someone else posts a similar post on the same thread
nub - noob
rack - hack
racka - hack
rak - hack
RF - Rival Factions
T - Blacklist
UGC - Ultimate Game Card (PlaySpan)
UP - Ultimate Points (PlaySpan)
WCG - World Cyber Games
WOGL - World Online Gaming League
X-Crap - X-Trap
Z8 - Z8games
ZP - Z8 Points
Foreign terms
Non-English terms often used in CF.
a7a - swear [unknown language]
aff - swear (Brazilian)
as - Aleykum (onto you in Egyptian)
boa - nice (Brazilian)
cao - Chinese insult
eff - swear [unknown language]
F - swear [unknown language]
FDP - Portuguese swear
Kos omak - egyptian swear
lixo - trash (Brazilian)
nao - no
piero - noob (Peruvian)
porra - Portugese swear
sa - Selaymun (peace in Egyptian)
sim - Portuguese for “yes”
voce e pro - you are pro
Other terms
Terms that are commonly used outside of CF, and often have a wide variety of uses.
afk - Away from keyboard
Bs - bullsh*t
DC- Disconnect
Def - definition
DMG - Damage
ffs - For F*cks Sake
G2g - got to go
GG - good game
Gg - good game
gj - good job
gl - good luck
glhf - good luck have fun
gtfo - Get the f*ck out
Gtg - got to go
hf- have fun
idk - I don’t know
imho - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
irl - In real life
l2p - learn to play
lmao - Laugh my ass off
lol - Laugh out loud
Lvl - Level
m8 - mate
n1 - nice one
np - no problem
ns - nice shot
ns - nice shot
nt - nice try
nvm - never mind
omg - oh my god
Pic - picture
PP – PayPal
qq - quit, cry
rofl - Rolling on the floor laughing
rpt - repeat
RQ- Rage quit
rtd - ret*rd
sry - sorry
SS - Screenshot
stfu - Shut the f*ck up
TS3 - Team Speak 3
Vent - Ventrilo
wb - welcome back
wtf - what the f*ck
wth - what the hell
*Note that while the player will be talking about the AK-47 most of the time when using “AK”, the AK-74 cannot be ruled out as a possibility due to the similar name, and to a lesser extent, the AKS-74U.
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