I have lost many Members :( ||We need Members||


Hey,when someone need a clan plz join our's..
In the last days we have lost many members..
I dont know why all them has leave..
I also kick every inactive members...
When they not on for 2-3 weeks..

We use a Teamspeakserver:

We have change the clanmark
and has buy +5 Members for clan..
The clan was realy fast rank up but
when all leave get rank down :(

Our clan-K/D :

Our Clan have a positiv K/D ~1.52~

We can acept 9 members
and i hope someone need a clan.... :(

ClAnLiNk: [url=http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=35499[]Click here when u will join us (realy)[/url]
We will creat a new Forum because the old was buggy....
