AK-47 Spetsnaz



  • So that's how it sounds.

    I need to get the VSK ingame now. Want to try it out.
  • ituno wrote: »
    all i have to say is

    25k bp permanant, yes <>no?

    We need more dam bp guns
  • yes!!!!!!!!!!
    We need more dam bp guns

    We do need more bp guns but I think this is definetly zp crate material.

    Different guns have their place and the stats on this probably suggest zp crate in my opinion.
  • Speculate wrote: »
    We do need more bp guns but I think this is definetly zp crate material.

    Different guns have their place and the stats on this probably suggest zp crate in my opinion.

    well this gun needs to be zp ,
    but like they need to add more bp guns . like maybe a pistol or sniper , even a smg would be nice
  • well this gun needs to be zp ,
    but like they need to add more bp guns . like maybe a pistol or sniper , even a smg would be nice


    I would definetly spin for this in zp crates anyhow.
  • Silenced AK? Don't know what I think about that because it'd be the first for sure. But it looks quite nice.
  • Ikellner wrote: »
    U dont get coupons from patriot crate. This crate should have them

    you get coupons..

    Nice idea! Probably won't happen though..
  • allGoat wrote: »
    Silenced AK? Don't know what I think about that because it'd be the first for sure. But it looks quite nice.

    7.62 x 39mm is not the best cartridge to suppress, gas issues, depends on what powder you use along with if you decide you are going to use subsonic loads. 300 blackout is a lot better for this with similar bullet performance. heard the russians are coming out with a 6.5 Grendel and 300 Blackout AK for the U.S. market in the near future, can't wait..already have a 7.62 x 51mm AK but that gets boring.
  • TITAN2KK wrote: »
    7.62 x 39mm is not the best cartridge to suppress, gas issues, depends on what powder you use along with if you decide you are going to use subsonic loads. 300 blackout is a lot better for this with similar bullet performance. heard the russians are coming out with a 6.5 Grendel and 300 Blackout AK for the U.S. market in the near future, can't wait..already have a 7.62 x 51mm AK but that gets boring.
    A suppressed AK-47 doesn't use a 7.62 x 39mm, but a 9 x 39 mm subsonic. The same round the VSK-94 uses. Something I had already mentioned before.
  • A suppressed AK-47 doesn't use a 7.62 x 39mm, but a 9 x 39 mm subsonic. The same round the VSK-94 uses. Something I had already mentioned before.

    was referring to the AK's suppressed in the states using 7.62 x 39mm, i rented one at a range and hot gas blew in my face because i wasn't using correct ammo, also the fact that you used AK-47 in the title does not make sense, different gun all together if you're going to use 9 x 39mm

    we don't use it in the U.S. too much (the 9 x 39mm)

    1. too expensive

    2. That round is horribly inaccurate compared to other rounds, people think it is accurate enough for "sniper" use, but it's really not

    3. the invention of 300 blackout
  • this gonna be more than amazing looks good to me so .. +1 =)
  • TITAN2KK wrote: »
    was referring to the AK's suppressed in the states using 7.62 x 39mm, i rented one at a range and hot gas blew in my face because i wasn't using correct ammo, also the fact that you used AK-47 in the title does not make sense, different gun all together if you're going to use 9 x 39mm

    we don't use it in the U.S. too much (the 9 x 39mm)

    1. too expensive

    2. That round is horribly inaccurate compared to other rounds, people think it is accurate enough for "sniper" use, but it's really not

    3. the invention of 300 blackout
    I love it when people try to argue with me about weapons I have fired more than they have. Especially when their arguments are not only incorrect, but completely irrelevant, considering this is a video game.

    "The round has an effective lethal range of 300 to 400 meters and a maximum penetration of up to 10 mm of steel"
    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9%C3%9739mm
  • I love it when people try to argue with me about weapons I have fired more than they have. Especially when their arguments are not only incorrect, but completely irrelevant, considering this is a video game.

    lmao, using wikipedia as source, go ON any gun board and ask about the accuracy of this round, i forgot your a battle hardened grade school teacher, they will laugh at you when you cite wikipedia

    why don't you take advice from someone with field experience

    shooting a 250 GR bullet at 300 M/S is going to drop faster than a rock, the hold over is ridiculous and most plat forms that shoot that round will barely achieve 2-3 MOA at 100 yards even when zero'd in

    sniper accuracy is SUB MOA, it as awful cartridge when compared to the 7.62 x 51mm which is far better in terms of accuracy and trajectory and the ability to suppress

    please continue though, i am enjoying the luls
  • TITAN2KK wrote: »
    lmao, using wikipedia as source, go ON any gun board and ask about the accuracy of this round, i forgot your a battle hardened grade school teacher, they will laugh at you when you cite wikipedia

    why don't you take advice from someone with field experience

    shooting a 250 GR bullet at 300 M/S is going to drop faster than a rock, the hold over is ridiculous and most plat forms that shoot that round will barely achieve 2-3 MOA at 100 yards even when zero'd in

    sniper accuracy is SUB MOA, it as awful cartridge when compared to the 7.62 x 51mm which is far better in terms of accuracy and trajectory and the ability to suppress

    please continue though, i am enjoying the luls
    I'll take advise from you once you're actually old enough to enlist and get that field experience you're talking about. So I'll be having this discussion with you again in about 4 years.

    But until then this was your last post in this thread. Post another one with the intention to start trouble, and not only will I delete it, I will have you infracted for it.

    Like I said before, all your arguments are invalid, for this is a video game that doesn't follow ballistics to the letter.
  • Something like this would be great for GM and all MM variants.

    its power would have to be nerfed because of the silencer though.


    too bad z8games has nothing to do with the guns we get, and i have NEVER seen ANY silenced AK's in ANY version of CF.
  • ak

    I am a ak fan and love ghost mode so this would defiantly be going in my bag1 best suggestion of a rifle nice idea you have there
  • It's a weapon for a Call Of Duty or a Battlefield . Seriously this weapon is too beautiful for be in this game ! It will be hard to do a weapon like that . I give a +1 !
  • PapaCrime wrote: »
    Ak47 Silencer in CF? Keep dreaming ;)
    We basically already have 1. The VSK-94. And what's wrong with a suppressed AK-47?
  • We basically already have 1. The VSK-94. And what's wrong with a suppressed AK-47?
    The VSK-94 isnt't even close to an ak47, semi-auto and a lot less damage.

    AK47 would be to OP if it was suppressed. The only way it can work is if the damage is nerfed a whole lot, maybe like the damage of a type89.

    And this suggestion sounds a lot like the ak47 scope already besides the obvious.
  • PapaCrime wrote: »
    The VSK-94 isnt't even close to an ak47, semi-auto and a lot less damage.

    AK47 would be to OP if it was suppressed. The only way it can work is if the damage is nerfed a whole lot, maybe like the damage of a type89.

    And this suggestion sounds a lot like the ak47 scope already besides the obvious.

    you say it would over powerd n what why would a silenced ak 47 been over powerd
    if your going by that the m4a1-s patriot is over powerd
    1. reload is fast
    2. 100 percent wall bang
    3. silenced
    4. dps is very good

    this ak 47 would be onpar with the m4a1-s patriot so i dont see why you are saying this would be over powerd
  • tris11 wrote: »
    you say it would over powerd n what why would a silenced ak 47 been over powerd
    if your going by that the m4a1-s patriot is over powerd
    1. reload is fast
    2. 100 percent wall bang
    3. silenced
    4. dps is very good

    this ak 47 would be onpar with the m4a1-s patriot so i dont see why you are saying this would be over powerd
    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Power isn't the only stat to a rifle, PapaCrime. The M4A1 and the AK-47 are on par with each other. One has less power than the other, but with less power comes less recoil. Power alone is not an excuse to say that one rifle can be suppressed and another can't.

    Also, the average shot of an AK-47 does only +/- 5 HP more damage than the M4A1 Patriot does. That's how small the difference in damage is.
  • PapaCrime wrote: »
    The VSK-94 isnt't even close to an ak47, semi-auto and a lot less damage.

    AK47 would be to OP if it was suppressed. The only way it can work is if the damage is nerfed a whole lot, maybe like the damage of a type89.

    And this suggestion sounds a lot like the ak47 scope already besides the obvious.
    Lol , take a look at the Dragonova (forgive me for spelling it wrong) that gun is like 50% ak47 I barely see anyone use it, it's really good by the way. I would like to see some Dragonova skins or varieties. Btw the ak spetsnaz seems nice +1 , it will be cool if it's for perm in the badge system or coupon but I better wake up from my dreams....
  • 2n7f2g.png

    As a competitor for the M4A1 Patriot.


    • +5 Ammo
    • Zoom scope
    • Suppressor
    • Slight recoil reduction
    • Slight reload speed increase
    Will it be 100% wallbang too? :D Because I'll buy the crates if it is ^^
  • imGu wrote: »
    Will it be 100% wallbang too? :D Because I'll buy the crates if it is ^^

    I don't really think an ak needs 100 percent wall bang it all ready has a nice amount of damage without the wall bang. besides I think giving it 100 wall bang would be pushing it
  • If it's already easy to control, the reduction wouldn't make a difference, now would it? So it would neither help nor hinder anything.

    Thats like saying - lets make a remake of the scar light or m12s and give it even less recoil.... Its already easy to use so it doesnt matter.....
  • Thats like saying - lets make a remake of the scar light or m12s and give it even less recoil.... Its already easy to use so it doesnt matter.....
    I was being sarcastic. The recoil of the AK-47 isn't easy to master at all. That is why noobs only used it as a close range weapon, and spray the hell out of that gun. Sure with time and effort you can master the recoil of that gun, but that counts for every gun. So that's a BS reason against it.