HoboCore is Looking for Players!

Clan Link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=262071

We Are The Homeless Warriors!

What we want from Players:
-You to be Active
-You to have a Microphone and Mumble
-You to be Mature and be over the age of 15
-Have a positive kdr of 1.5+
-Speak and understand English
-Come from North America. ( canadian / American players only )
-Have a positive Attitude for wanting to WIN.

What we Expect from Our Members:
-Mature players with a very positive attitude
-Good shots, and some knowledge of the game.
-Want to Clan War more than PUB
-Download Mumble and be active on it when you apply.

HoboCore Gaming is Now Recruiting! Apply Today!
