wow confused if anyone wants to help

[18:03] 1 ~ mykL: so this sandy **** isnt gonna effect the schedule
[18:03] 1 ~ mykL: if they cant make it they forfiet
[18:03] 1 ~ mykL: right?
[18:03] doop: nope
[18:03] 1 ~ mykL: nope what?
[18:04] 1 ~ mykL: they forfiet?
[18:04] doop: nope as in
[18:04] doop: i dont care
[18:04] 1 ~ mykL: lol
[18:04] doop: you have to give them till tomorrow
[18:04] doop: and they dont forfeit you both lose
[18:04] 1 ~ mykL: i know that
[18:04] 1 ~ mykL: but if they still cant make it they forfiet
[18:04] 1 ~ mykL: so we lose if they cant make it?
[18:04] 1 ~ mykL: wtf
[18:04] doop: that is what a double forfeit is
[18:05] 1 ~ mykL: so we get a lose if the other team disbans
[18:05] doop: that is what a double forfeit is
[18:05] 1 ~ mykL: ok then when we play ht we wont show so we both get a lose
[18:05] 1 ~ mykL: and it hurts there chances of winning aswell
[18:05] 1 ~ mykL: awesome
[18:05] doop: you get 0 / 0
[18:05] doop: so it doesnt hurt your chances
[18:05] doop: it just doesnt improve the

completely confused if someone wants to explain this. So basicaly pdf can not show up against ht but then finish same record as them dodging a match cuz they think they might lose.
