Noobs sould be ban for a few days for kicking skilled players.
i say.. just punish the one initialized the VOTE.. 1st is.. he is also a noob for initializing the VOTE.. believing to co-noob.. or just an idiot.. but if the person getting vote out is really a hacker.. then it's fine.. no worries..
But we victims will have no evidence to report `em if noobs can be banned.. how? screenie? it won't appear on your screen if you're the one getting the votes.. i say add a new program that.. after get kicked.. a small window/popup will appear that says.. this person initialized the vote.. etc.. but how strong a report (to ban the noob) with just a name as evidence is?
think think think.... no idea.... there should be more.. can't save replay.. *brain toast* -
wow cant believe seeing this same QQ about "im legit and i get kicked all the time" waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa guess what if u get kicked their is like 9000000000000 other games go join one
i get the kick him all the time but i play with people who see me all the time guess what i never get kicked and if i do guess what i go to the next GM game -
Yeah, I get kicked all the time. Had a 56-12 game going this morning, got kicked when it was the game score was 12-6. I've already cussed out z8games for this nonsense. I don't really no what rankings are, I just play, and in ghost mode, am dam good on GR side. Decent on ghost side. But yeah, I get kicked a lot now, almost every game I play unless I'm playing with just my clan members on my team, which isn't often. I visit the M.P.G.H. website, because on one of my other accounts, I had hacked in the past, when pretty much everyone as a ghost was speeding and shooting guns. So, I still frequent that site and even challenge the people their that are hacking to come and play me. They just cry and say if I'm on a hacking site them I'm a hacker. Lol. So yeah, for those of you like me that get kicked. Look me up, I'd love to play against some skilled players in Ghost mode rather than all the little cry baby kickers. If I'm getting owned and you're not hacking, I'll give you the props you deserve and back you up when someone else tries to kick you.
[MOD]Greycloak wrote: »If you want to blame the person who initiated the kick then you also have to blame every single person who voted yes. Yes, it's annoying to get kicked. However, it's a fact of life in online FPS games. The vote kick system is not going to be changed.
What is with the QQing about "noobs" all the time? We get it already. -
I wont lie i used to be one of those noobs. I think all of us were at one time. Latley i have learned to see the differance between pro and hacker. I would say just go to the delta server, most of them know how pros work. I dont go there my self cause i get pwned, but if your getting kiked all the time your most likley good enough for it.
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