HelloKitties Recruitment Thread {GM}

Hey whats up, this is Nooby from HelloKitties.
We are back recruiting some elite GM Players.

We are hoping to be a Scrim GM team.. With only pros.
These are the requirements.

Kdr : Preferably 2+, But if you play lots of SnD, 1.5 is acceptable.
Tricks: You will need know how to bhop/Stack/djump/ pinpoint. If not perfect dont worry. as long as you know wha they are and how to do them.
Loyal: Pls only loyal members, we are a new clan, you have to give us time to improve and help us.
Active: Preferably active, will only be a smallish clan, so i dont wanna be lonely :P

More info about clan:
We play for fun mostly. Not a mega serious clan like some. we will do training but it wont be forced. We try our best to play in same room, and all get along as friend.
We play other modes... Dont think because we are GM player we suck at SnD, this is not true. i pwn all modes haha, and love to scrim SnD

I can do try outs, and so can the other LTs and Gh[0]st
My xfire is saintmizer and my current IGN is _Nooby

Thats about it . No idea if it makes sense , i cba to read it '=.=
