Maybe making a team for FG and LPK

Looks like FG and LPK will be making a tournament/league (FG possibly). If LPK makes the prize cash instead of ZP I'm looking to pick up a solid 5. If the prize is worth it I'll come back and maybe Josh will join along with me. (Btw, I'm contaminated). Need strong riflers. We never use snipers in our strats and we probably won't ever use them in matches unless we need some picks from a spot we can't. We're looking to place 3rd or higher if HT and PDF play these tournaments. I'll convince Josh to come back with me IF we can pick up 3 decent players. If Josh does come back and no one wants to he'll probably just pick up winOut players or some of his friends.

Must have mumble/ventrilo (whatever I want to buy).
Decent/Above average rifler

EDIT: I know HWG members will probably try to troll us. But if they plan to stop us from placing then they can have fun trying to do that if we make a team.
