Goodbye Crossfire~~~ JAK47

Had an awesome time playing this game, but now it's time to quit and continue on with life. I've really had so much fun playing with the competitive side of cf, especially the funny ones :p. Some people that should be acknowledged ( correct me if a spell this wrong).

Dstep- coolest Asian dude I ment ever and get back to using ak47 for me :).

KlutchKiller- thanks for getting me into the competitive side. Really chill guy and was fun wrecking in 1v1

Ur_dead: my most favorite clan leader. You were strict with me and jd but we still loved you.

Skipper: I love you <3. You made me laugh so much times. TRAINS 4 LIFE!

Drizzle: I loved your voice no matter how many people thought it was annoying( remember to just ignore people if they ever made fun of you)

Aiyea-: Loved ringing for you at times. Awesome how you've been able to keep a strong team for 2 years, props to him.

All the Welfare members:Really fun talking to funny and chill with the best leader eveerrrrr!!

Tasty?: hands down best player in the game. Goodluck with the new team were gonna make with truth.

Iceman my favorite SnD player out there. Most game sense from the mod clan.

(I hope this next guy knows who he is because I forgot his ign. All I remember is he's in dsteps team): the best troller in the game had fun knifing at times in pubs :D

Bonzaii: was awesome randomly meeting each other in pubs:D. The leap frog has come to an end though :(

( Typed this on my ipad since my computer broke).And everyone else that I forgot to mention. Gl to all. Also, before some of you say I'll come back in 2 weeks check my profile...
