Ericks WCG Nationals Blog

Sorry if my paragraphs look messed up, I did this on notepad then just copy and pasted it. Thats why it looks messed up.
DAY 1 (Wednesday)

What a long day. Everyones flights were pretty long (Brandos like 6 hours) and we are all pretty tired.
Harvey was at the airport from about 2 est time, till 7 waiting for brando and i to arrive.
After about an hour of searching for each other we finally met up and looked for a cab. We
ended up taking a shuttle to our hotel, and it was by far the craziest car ride i have ever
been in. Our driver was some crazy black guy, who was on the phone half of the time, cutting
people off, being cut off, slamming on the breaks every 5 seconds, ect. was mad crazy.

Not much really going on today, We just ordered a pizza and our watching hall pass on the sh1tty
cable they have here. Tomorrow i think will be the same, just chill at the hotel or find
somethign to do by it. Ralf comes in tomorrow during the after noon, hunter i have no idea when we will see him, most likely the day of the event.

But yeah thats pretty much it for day 1. Should have some pictures and stuff soon.

DAY 2 (Thursday

Pretty much did nothing besides watch harry potter. Ralf didn't get in till about 5 so we didnt want to spend to much on
on a taxi yet. We went over some strats, ordered food, pretty much it.

Day 3 (Friday)

Today was the day of the event, we got up at 6 am so we cold eat some breakfastc and be ready to leave.
When we got to the event and i was surprised to see corey dun (The caster next to gecks) because he does
games that are WAY more popular than crossfire, but i predicted he wold be there because i knew
essa (Torbulls company) was helping make this happen. We watched LPK vs Devious and were getting pretty
hyped up.
--Match against LPK--
We started off not very great. We didn't know factory would be played on lan(We only played the 5 maps in the qualifier)
So i made a quick default on t side. it worked somewhat then stoped, After we were down 2-5 we decided we
wanted to work their b a little bit more. After we got them to stop playing out of b harvey did a really good job getting
picks at A. We ended up losing the half 7-9(Remix: You guys practice and still lost?) I don't think he knew it was a CT
sided map, and we won out the half 9-2.

After the match against lpk we continued to just hang arond the both, I really had no interest for the actual comic con
event. HT vs Jeden started. Sype and i were legit the only 2 people behind jeden rooting them on. Everyone else
was watching HT play. MAD RESPECT to jeden for showing up to lan also giving HT a run for their money.
I couldn't believe some of the clutches banks pulled off late game when they needed him. Everyone else from
jeden also fraged pretty well, Wizdom used an ak 74 at some point, and did great with it. After jeden lost i told them
all good try, i REALLY wanted them to win. As cool as aL and Ghandi were, i wanted to make fn of them pretty bad
--Finals match vs HT--
Eagle eye was the first map. Even though we didnt really practice it, I was confident in our default we had for it.
On T side i don't think i ran one different strat besides 2 a pushes in a row, because our default was working.
However we would pick off mav or aL, plant bomb have site. Ghandi and tyla would seriously just role up,
Pick us all off, and win the round via retake. IF WE HELD OUR SITES AFTER WE PLANTED WE WOULD HAVE WON.
It REALLY killed us. If we wold have won eagle eye, I think we would have won the whole thing.(they wold of picked
mexico, we prob would of lost it, played ankara and won 2 maps to 1) But that didnt happen. 2nd map we chose ankara. We
thoght about picking port but didnt. We got down early but i kept trying to get my team up by yelling lets go
and other words of encouragement. My throat actually hurts from all the yelling i did. From the encouragements to
yelling, "DID YOU REALLY JUST LET US 2v5 2 ROUNDS IN A ROW? YOU SUCK". Hunter seriously went HUGE on our retakes.
What i feel killed HT on Ankara was they couldnt hold the site after they planted (Just like us). We ended up bringing
it into overtime after losing a few rounds in a row, and putting them in a position to win. We ****d them in the
overtime 5-2 then 2-1(might of been 2-0 dont remember). Then came the 3rd map, Mexico. I HATE mexico with a passion.
I think its byfar our weakest map, and their best. We started out really bad. I think we were down 5-0 on CT side..
Really, i feel like letting the T side get 5 rounds on T side mexico means it can be over for you. We ended up
changing our setup and won out pretty much 9-6. T side we also started out really bad. down either 5-0 or 6-0.
We ended up bring it back and making it 6-6 and we were in a REALLY good position to win it. In the end we ended up
losing 6-9 i think. 1 Round. ( I might not have the score right.)Huge shoutout to sype, doop and chase for standing behind
rooting for us and trying to get us hyped. But it was really intense. I was upset mostly because
i didn't have my own mouse. I ended up using brandos backup deathadder. I liked the feel of it, but when you pick it up
after a swipe to move it, it would still track, and it got me killed a few times. Even if i had my own mouse we still
would have lost. Something else that really killed us was i just couldnt get any frags on the rotate. I held my spot wherever
i played almost every round, but if someone died mid, i just coldnt pick any of those guys off on my rotate.
I say this because i feel thats one of my best perks of playing crossfire. All of us played REALLY well.
I'm a little dispointed, but im really proud of ralf brando harvey and hunter becase we almost pulled it off.
After we got a taxi back to the hotel. Talked about why we thought we lost and such. And just came to the conclusion
they played better than us. no1 choked, everyone played well.

In the end we get a headset, a mousepad, and stuff from smile gate that they havnt said what it is yet.
We also have a decent amount of stipend money left over, and still got an invite to china.(We would have to pay, so its
highly unlikely we will attend.)

Day 4 (Saturday)

Today we slept in. We had a LONG day yesterday after the matches. We all were up by noon, got dressed and went back into the city
to watch the other games. I couldn't believe how old some of the world of tanks players were. Like 9 out of 14 of them that we saw
play, haad grey hair(they were in their 40s-50s EASILY.) The game looks SO BORING. After that we walked around comic con fora bit
and got bored real quick, So we decided to get lunch. We walked to a wendys nearby and ate. After that we decided we would
walk to times square to atleast check out atleast one toury thing in NYC.
After a bit we walked back to watch the rest of
the world of tanks finals, then walked to the WCG party.

The party was dope. We got there, and were treated as VIPs pretty much. They had any drink we wanted ready, Brought out
llike 6 different food platers. and they were realllllly good. Hunter, Brando, harvey, Minty and me bowled fora bit. Brando
harvey and minty all wiffed pretty hard, but since it wasn't on an AC i cheated and got 5 strikes in a row (Literally).
After a bit we got bored, and minty wanted to go play pool so we did, I ended up getting beat 2-0, Everyone was seriously
so cool. I had convos with doop, minty, sype, ultimantpov, quack, and many others. All really cool people.
Me and chase both got our pictures taken with some samsung babes, Looking forward to seeing those.
I don't know why my hairline looks ****ed up, ohwell.
from left to right (Erick, Brando, Harvey, Minty, Hunter, Ralf)

This chase kid, tells me, "If you get a strike here, i will give you 100 bucks." Now im awful at bowling,
and up untill tonight, the last time i bowled was like 4 years ago. I bowl a strike, This kid walks to the ATM
gets out 100 bucks, and gives it to me. rofl. I ended up giving it back because i felt bad taking it, But ended it taking
it back because we needed money for a taxi LOL.

After about 2 hours the majority of us wanted to leave so we did. I shook everyones hand and said
good games and it was nice to meet you.
Then of course something else great happened.(lolnotreally) We originally were going to take buses back with lpk+chase,
but since the majority of us wanted to leave early we got in a taxi. This guy had NO IDEA where we told him we wanted to
go. He drove around in circles asking like 5 different people where our hotel was. I seriously was about to get out,
(this was in the middle of the hood) And call a different taxi. Luckly he found it after like a ****ing hour.

We got back to the hotel room, talked fora bit, made like 1 vlog with shoutouts and such on it.
I'm going to get up early when they leave tomorrow, but i told them all bye and that i was proud of them incase
i didn't get up.

We really dont have many pictures or videos. Everything we have will be uploaded by brando at some point when he gets home.

I did most of my shoutouts via vlog, But i left a few people out.
I Domt know how the hell i forgot tasty, its like a tradition to shout him out as your first shoutout in CF sh1t.

And im sure others i still cant remember, had way to much fun tonight.
If your name isnt up here you're most likely in the video.
