Word from "saintMalice"

Great game, WPA. You guys did well in the match against Carnage.

Now I know I did horrible, and I admit that I pretty much was the weakest link this whole match. I could've contributed to my team more, and that was my fault for not being active in all our team practices, (school, my own business, etc.) . But I PROMISE that I'll take some more consideration into this team and game's play now that I know it's kicked into high gear.

I came from competitive Ghost Mode, and have been playin that for a while until it died. Then moved to SnD where I brought whatever I knew from there to here. Obv, SnDs a different ball game, (no ghosts runnin around trying to knife yo ass from behind). From today on, I'm leaving the name of "saintMalice", the day GM died, the day saintMalice should've as well.

