#Dedicated - Is now recruiting!

#Dedicated is now looking for active players. We are mainly Gm.

This is a new clan, but have experience in clans and being clan leader.
We don't put up with bullsht so we like people with good attitude/behavior.
We are an NA Clan, but speaking clear english is permitted.
We are mostly a scrim clan, we pub every once in a while but mainly scrim.
Pub/scrim whenever, no scheduel for scrims, we find unnecessary, but we scrim a lot.
Maturity is a MUST! No kiddies
Participating in ESL and WOGL soon, once we get the clan up and running.
Looking for strat callers.
RaidCall is not mandatory, but required. For Clan wars you have to be on RaidCall. Mic would be useful

Look for us in game usually in "Us South Server", or reply for more info.

Clan Site: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=255948
