you know whats funny...

i join a snd and...

I kick ass, clan people try to recruit me, later in game they call me a hacker, they try and kick me, i crash room, they qq.

I die like 5 times without getting more than 2 kills. Then all of a sudden i start getting 5+ killings each round and end up with a 3+ kd.

I peak a corner with my awm . Out of instinct i throw a shot in the general direction of a moving enemy, land the hit, wonder how the hell i managed to do that, then land another hit on an another guy who just popped out within another split second.

Anyone else want to add on?


  • I've also been invited by a clan and then later accused of hacking by them :P
  • You turn around and look at the corner and you quickscope and BOOM HEADSHOT, then you turn your attention down that alley and fire a random shot that just happens to land on the guy's head and BOOM HEADSHOT. You turn around and surprisingly see a guy trying to knife you, you instinctivly shoot noscope and then BOOM HEADSHOT.
  • tris told me i look good in a bathing suit. enough said
  • MyAWP1 wrote: »
    tris told me i look good in a bathing suit. enough said

    You know whats disturbing?... ^^^^ lol
  • First off I feel your pain.And you shouldnt crash a game no matter what,so nooby
  • First off I feel your pain.And you shouldnt crash a game no matter what,so nooby

    You know what? I'd do it for teh lulz.
  • i join a snd and...

    I kick ass, clan people try to recruit me, later in game they call me a hacker, they try and kick me, i crash room, they qq.

    I die like 5 times without getting more than 2 kills. Then all of a sudden i start getting 5+ killings each round and end up with a 3+ kd.

    I peak a corner with my awm . Out of instinct i throw a shot in the general direction of a moving enemy, land the hit, wonder how the hell i managed to do that, then land another hit on an another guy who just popped out within another split second.

    Anyone else want to add on?

    You can get banned for abusing a bug ...
  • You got a 3.0 kdr in a pub?

    wttf how do you do it, please teach the rest of us mere mortals.

    Point, click.

    Interesting tale you have told, my male sibling.
  • MeganFoxx wrote: »
    You can get banned for abusing a bug ...

    this is true.

    Have a good reason why z8games shouldnt act upon you admitting abusing a bug?
  • I once got a DOUBLE kill i promise i did !!! sry i forgot to take the pic.
  • Baddies.

    + i don't call that impressive.
    impressive is when you clutch against 5 guys with 4 HP
    that's impressive.
  • this is true.

    Have a good reason why z8games shouldnt act upon you admitting abusing a bug?

    I don't believe its that serious of a bug, not like c4 glitching or box glitching or hacking.

    Skip to #### if you're lazy
    Also... before i ever knew such a glitch existed, i've always been leaving rooms when people yelled f11 just because i knew i wasn't going to be able to stay in the room either way so i figured i might as well just leave now and go find the next room to join.

    It just wasn't worth my time to stay knowing i was getting kicked, so i left. This is when i had no idea that my choice to leave could possibly crash the room.

    Then... one day i was playing with some really good person on alaska. Had like a 30 something kills, 4-7 deaths?
    Anyway... I could tell he was legit, he wasn't always looking in the direction an enemy would be, he wouldn't make all his shots, but he'd sure land a good amount of them.

    So... The noobs in the room decided that being able to play as well as this person means that you must be a hacker. These were the same noobs that couldn't even knife someone with out running around in circles.
    Everyone yells f11 once the voting starts, the pro gives his last words and leaves. The room crashes. I'm surprised.

    Did he have the right to do that?
    To ruin the game for the rest of the players in the room?...
    I believe he does.

    Its just the fact that the same noobs that don't kick the most obvious wallers will turn around and kick a pro just because they fail so much that the only way they can win is by kicking those better than them.


    Bruce for example. I was playing a SnD and bruce joins my team. Awesome, now we'll win.
    Not surprisingly he gets a 10-0, and guess what happens next... the noobs just f11 his ass. HE'S A CF MOD, but does that make a difference to a noob?... of course not.

    He gets kicked just for the mere fact that he is better than the average player.

    What justifies their actions? nothing, they'll just keep on kicking and f11ing when the next pro shows up in their room.

    Why shouldn't you ban me for just publicly admitting that i use a bug?

    I'm sure you, [MOD]Delaco, are a great above average player as well. I'm sure you feel the frustration that comes with being an above average player and not even being able to play a continuous game without being kicked.

    How does it feel? How does it feel to be kicked?
    That feeling... that feeling of anguish, the feeling of WOW-WTF...I want those noobs to feel it. I want them to feel their own bs.

    I understand in a world of hackers, legits have it rough. Hackusations fly as hackers and legitmate players become harder and harder to distinguish.

    But... at least let the legitimate player have the last laugh.
    Please understand why i have i this opinion.

    I'm not here to cause trouble, there will always be noobs...
    But, PLEASE... understand my position.

    (That and... if one person hacks another person's account and says he aimbots and chams on the forums... it doesn't constitute the grounds for a ban)

    Sorry for the long post... just trying to get people to have sympathy and understand why i do what i do.
    Thank you...
  • skip to *** if you wish not to read

    I know exactly what you mean.... I am called mutskichan in game, it is one of my later names. Hopefully i will have a dragy soon...guh takes too long to earn gp...mumble...

    ANYWAY! I often go into games with my almost broken m16 and a deagle and can headshot a good deal of people. For example on downtown, i killed six out of eight players before being taken down. with a deagle. using only two clips.

    This does not happen often, but when it does it is AWESOME. otherwise i usually only get 2-3 kills per round. Of course the first guy i headshot was purely out of "holy sh...scared the hell out of me" reflex shot-type, he yells "zomg ***ors" and probably foams at the mouth in real life. Then came the kick. I am quite tempted to make a video and ending it with me being kicked, having the music screech to a halt, and a loud WHAT THE F...[boom] at the end.

    What suprises me the most... is when players yell, "chams, wall hacker!" How the hell could i have looked through a wall when the sodding player shot me from behind. I quickly duck behind cover, turn around, pop out, find him, fire. This all takes place in about 1-2 seconds. because of the simple fact that he did NOT kill me with the first few shots, I will most likely get him while he is reloading.

    OR! this happens: Player dies in A hall area. I run from B and cut him off, thinking he is either: 1) going to B, or 2) staying at A. Usually they try to make a run to B to confuse people. No not cheats, logical thinking led me to where you were! ffs.

    Ghostmode! my favorite! Ghost hides. I hear him. The closer I get the louder he is. I walk until I believe I have walked a semi-circle [they usually hide near walls] around the ghost. Due to the fact he cannot be behind me due to the breath, he must be somewhere in that small semi-circle. Logical places he can hide? I fire there first. It nails him in the ding-**** for all i care, but it hits. I get called a hacker, then kicked.

    IS there no room for logical gameplay in this game? Should i run around in ghost mode and fire everywhere like some newbie to a shooter? I played CnC renegade online for years! I am pretty good at finding stealthed people....Stealth black hands on that game arent visible while moving...try hitting them. You have to listen...and watch for tracks they made, or small shadows. Tch...people these days.
  • I don't believe its that serious of a bug, not like c4 glitching or box glitching or hacking.

    So instead of screwing up one round for one team with a C4 glitch or a box glitch, it's ok for you to screw up the rest of the game for 15 people?

    Also, hacking is not a bug.
  • so instead of screwing up one round for one team with a c4 glitch or a box glitch, it's ok for you to screw up the rest of the game for 15 people?


  • Bruce for example. I was playing a SnD and bruce joins my team. Awesome, now we'll win.
    Not surprisingly he gets a 10-0, and guess what happens next... the noobs just f11 his ass. HE'S A CF MOD, but does that make a difference to a noob?... of course not.

    He gets kicked just for the mere fact that he is better than the average player.

    Yeah, I just got back to pubbing now that the aimbot is patched.

    Kicked from (no joke) 6 games in a row. One game I joined I got 2 kills in my first round and kids were screaming at me. I got called a "Thompson noob"

    Since when is rocking your jaw with a world war two gun considered noob? x_x

    But its really disappointing when you're doing all the right stuff (being polite, explaining that you're a moderator, etc) and you get kicked anyway.

    Its really hard for me, cause I only look for 10 to 12 person rooms, and those can be a pain to get into and then to get kicked a few rounds later really burns my biscuits.

    But crashing rooms isn't cool.
  • [MOD]Bruce wrote: »
    Yeah, I just got back to pubbing now that the aimbot is patched.

    Kicked from (no joke) 6 games in a row. One game I joined I got 2 kills in my first round and kids were screaming at me. I got called a "Thompson noob"

    Since when is rocking your jaw with a world war two gun considered noob? x_x

    But its really disappointing when you're doing all the right stuff (being polite, explaining that you're a moderator, etc) and you get kicked anyway.

    Its really hard for me, cause I only look for 10 to 12 person rooms, and those can be a pain to get into and then to get kicked a few rounds later really burns my biscuits.

    But crashing rooms isn't cool.

    go to alpha 7 and you will find your trio buddys along with elite CN, rally, etc :D
  • They do 16 player rooms though, I'm not a fan.
  • [MOD]Bruce wrote: »
    They do 16 player rooms though, I'm not a fan.

    sometimes they do rooms of 10 or 12... i have seen
  • Why the hell isn't that damn game-breaking glitch fixed already?
  • I was ask to join so many clans. I lost count and don;t remember them all.
  • Im there with you bruce i quit my other account for this one since i got a thompson on it and when i get 90 out of the 150 kills in a full game of tdm using that WW2 badboy everyone assumes im aimbotting yet i dont get that many headshots. Its annoying and it grinds my gears
  • xinsai54 wrote: »
    IS there no room for logical gameplay in this game? Should i run around in ghost mode and fire everywhere like some newbie to a shooter? I played CnC renegade online for years! I am pretty good at finding stealthed people....Stealth black hands on that game arent visible while moving...try hitting them. You have to listen...and watch for tracks they made, or small shadows. Tch...people these days.

    OMFG, YOU PLAYED RENEGADE! You know ffl0cke!??! Probably not... but that's me... I've playing that game before even renguard was out. Back when crazy ctf was uber popular. Renegade... such a good game... Did you know they were going to make a new one? then they canceled it, then started it again, then canceled it... wtf EA...

    Anyway... 100% agree... Pointing and Shooting will only get you so far. Prediction/Instinct is also a key skill that everyone should pick up on.
    So instead of screwing up one round for one team with a C4 glitch or a box glitch, it's ok for you to screw up the rest of the game for 15 people?

    Also, hacking is not a bug.

    Usually the same glitchers will do it multiple times in subsequent rounds. No, its not ok for me to screw the game for the rest of the 15 people. But... who said its ok for them to ruin my fun?

    Yes... hacking is not a bug. But... my point was that crashing rooms is no where as bad as hacking.
    [MOD]Bruce wrote: »
    But crashing rooms isn't cool.

    But sometimes... there's those times, when you're doing absolutely wonderful. Call it luck or call it skill, but you were in the right place at the right time. You've landed hits that you didn't have the confidence of making. BUT... of course... the other players have to call you a hacker and kick you.
    I just can't help but to take them out with me.

    It may be stupid, but... If im going down because of others stupidity, then i'm going to be stupid and take them out with me.

    But fine... I'll stop crashing room's as of now. Its not a frequent occurrence either way. But don't expect me to stop raging and QQing.
  • OMFG, YOU PLAYED RENEGADE! You know ffl0cke!??! Probably not... but that's me... I've playing that game before even renguard was out. Back when crazy ctf was uber popular. Renegade... such a good game... Did you know they were going to make a new one? then they canceled it, then started it again, then canceled it... wtf EA...

    Anyway... 100% agree... Pointing and Shooting will only get you so far. Prediction/Instinct is also a key skill that everyone should pick up on.

    Usually the same glitchers will do it multiple times in subsequent rounds. No, its not ok for me to screw the game for the rest of the 15 people. But... who said its ok for them to ruin my fun?

    Yes... hacking is not a bug. But... my point was that crashing rooms is no where as bad as hacking.

    But sometimes... there's those times, when you're doing absolutely wonderful. Call it luck or call it skill, but you were in the right place at the right time. You've landed hits that you didn't have the confidence of making. BUT... of course... the other players have to call you a hacker and kick you.
    I just can't help but to take them out with me.

    It may be stupid, but... If im going down because of others stupidity, then i'm going to be stupid and take them out with me.

    But fine... I'll stop crashing room's as of now. Its not a frequent occurrence either way. But don't expect me to stop raging and QQing.

    without a long post, you can be assursed that alot of the player base and some of the z8 staff (mod and GM) would agree with alot of your aggrivation. However at the end of the day, if your better, then you know your better! Getting one score, or not getting it wont change the world. I get kicked probably just as much as you do (well, a little less with the gm tag, but we mods still get the kick bug if not enough people believe were mods), and i take it as a compliment!
  • without a long post, you can be assursed that alot of the player base and some of the z8 staff (mod and GM) would agree with alot of your aggrivation. However at the end of the day, if your better, then you know your better! Getting one score, or not getting it wont change the world. I get kicked probably just as much as you do (well, a little less with the gm tag, but we mods still get the kick bug if not enough people believe were mods), and i take it as a compliment!

    Ya ya... i'm just a crying baby.
    If i dont win, you cant win. *cry cry cry*

    Haha anyway, don't worry. I won't be crashing rooms any longer.

    I do suggest that... If you get kicked from a room, you at least get the kills and deaths added to your record. They never show up when i press X and check my new kd after i do good and get kicked.

    Other than that, good job with crossfire. After aimbot weekend was over and patched, gameplay has been much much much more enjoyable.
  • Ya ya... i'm just a crying baby.
    If i dont win, you cant win. *cry cry cry*

    Haha anyway, don't worry. I won't be crashing rooms any longer.

    I do suggest that... If you get kicked from a room, you at least get the kills and deaths added to your record. They never show up when i press X and check my new kd after i do good and get kicked.

    Other than that, good job with crossfire. After aimbot weekend was over and patched, gameplay has been much much much more enjoyable.

    But always chammers -.- Surprisingly, I've seen not a single hacker today. It was unbelievable! Also, I'm a big fan of Ghost match.
  • i join a snd and...

    I kick ass, clan people try to recruit me, later in game they call me a hacker, they try and kick me, i crash room, they qq.

    I die like 5 times without getting more than 2 kills. Then all of a sudden i start getting 5+ killings each round and end up with a 3+ kd.

    I peak a corner with my awm . Out of instinct i throw a shot in the general direction of a moving enemy, land the hit, wonder how the hell i managed to do that, then land another hit on an another guy who just popped out within another split second.

    Anyone else want to add on?
    I get surprised ´cause this isn´t another QQ thread.
  • I asked Someone to join my clan when i used to own 1 i had a tryout with them drawed most way through i get 4 more kills they accuse my clan of hacking and leave =| newbs these dayz...