ROFL Gaming

A lot of people have noticed we havn't been around, so we are changing our direction towards our clan.. we are still invite only, but do to inactivity we are now looking for new people to join our little ROFL family xP

Anyone that catches our interests will most likely be able to join our clan for a "probation" period.. we will pub & scrim with you.. if you are pretty dam good and have great communication skills, you will then be welcome to stay.. if you fail at either one, you will then be kicked.. tough luck kid lol

with WOGL hopefully taking up crossfire, we will be looking for a couple people to fill our scrim team slots that MAY be open (unless some players come out of their hole) so keep that in mind

ROFL Gaming requirments ->

-Ventrilo is a must, mic is recommended
-15yrs old + // must have a good, well being attitude (no d.ouchebaggery)
-KDR don't matter, but will be looked at
-great communication
-good scrimming background
-along with the last requirment, what clans have u been in?
-must have some sort of video screen recording system (growler is recommended -> ) *free*
-TeamViewer is recommended ( ) *free*


