Tea. New Clan Recruiting!

Rank of Clan: 5582

Clan Summary

We are a NA/CAN clan, and are planning on CW as we accumulate in number. We are aiming for a good winning %, and during pubs we usually are laid back. Currently working on Vent/TS3 servers, depending on which is more convenient for members. REMINDER: This is a NEW clan, and we are looking for committed players who want to help expand this clan.

Clan Requirements

-From US or Canada, and must speak English.
-Positive attitude during CW.
-Positive CW KDR.
-No Clanhoppers, must have Honorable Ribbon.
-Vent/TS3 is optional at this stage, but will be required later on.

Clan Rules

-Do not glitch or hack.
-Do not RQ after a CW, no matter how bad the loss is.
-Have some respect towards clanmates, jokes and racist insults are allowed as long as the person is fine with it.
-Be active, and don't CW without a lieutenant unless you are doing well without one.

