just a few words

Ive never complained about anything, as you can see im not much of an active member posting in forums,but ive played the game for 6 months now, I know you guys are posting a lot of hack complaints in the forum right now, i just want it to let you guys know something that happened to me yesterday, i wont say names i wont put screen shots or videos, just want to explain a lil bit about it...

IDK if all the members in this clan do it:

yesterday, me and 5 of my friends clan members were playing in crossroads, then suddenly two members of ACE ONE came in, we said nothing, we kept playing, we were winning by the way, then 1 of them started kicking us ramdonly and then of course we kick him back, then the last member on the room said something like: HOHOHO!!!

back on lobby he said something like: FUNNY SH!T!!!

this is sad for ppl like me who really like to spend some time playing this game with a couple friends and have fun...

Regards to all Legit Players and you hackers, well, you know how i feel about you ^^ PEace...
