
11:15 pm , 2 hours after match time, email: You are receiving this email as a part of your newsletter subscription.
Please download the new myAntiCheat client at
MyAnticheat Team
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  • Blame WCG for not releasing it until 24 hours before the first matches.
  • The ac has been out for several weeks.

    Teams participating in CCC got to use it. It was used in the Affliction Draft as well. There has been plenty of opportunities to get it. People just procrastinated and found out their processors aren't beefy enough to run it without taking a FPS hit in game.
  • The ac has been out for several weeks.

    Teams participating in CCC got to use it. It was used in the Affliction Draft as well. There has been plenty of opportunities to get it. People just procrastinated and found out their processors aren't beefy enough to run it without taking a FPS hit in game.

    The original one worked perfectly fine for everyone on my team. Then polleus made a thread telling us to download the newer version 10 minutes before the match, and it didn't work for any of us. It didn't cause fps drops, it was literally impossible to even run the client. It disappeared before any of us could log in