crossfire cupons

ok m not being noob but i want coupons but i already have kriss, akscope n m4 custom ... now m afraid to have these guns second time thus relucting buying more gp or zp creates... cuz i think there is no point of havin kriss or any other gun more than one time...

so is there any other way we can have coupons or if not any idea wne new zp creates r coming..... :)


  • 111ak47 wrote: »
    ok m not being noob but i want coupons but i already have kriss, akscope n m4 custom ... now m afraid to have these guns second time thus relucting buying more gp or zp creates... cuz i think there is no point of havin kriss or any other gun more than one time...

    so is there any other way we can have coupons or if not any idea wne new zp creates r coming..... :)

    No other way. Probly will be more in the next patch (Could be awhile)