OK here is what McAfee says
Artemis is the new "Active Protection" component of Security Center.
It works by adding an extra heuristic layer to the detection engine, but instead of just detecting something it actually "calls home" to the virus database to double-check before labelling something as a possible threat.
You should go to the Restore tab in Security Center and make sure that it is forwarded to the Threat Center (Avert Laboratories) as, if it is harmless, it will then be excluded from the database automatically.
To send it to the Threat Center outside of Security Center.....
First disable VirusScan:
To temporarily turn off VirusScan do the following:
Double-click the taskbar icon to open Security Center
Click Advanced Menu (bottom left)
Click Configure (left)
Click Computer & Files (top left)
You can disable VirusScan in the right-hand module and tell it for how long.
Then click the Restore button (left & assuming it was quarantined) & restore the item.
Send the file to Avert for analysis:
Email file to: virus_research@avertlabs.com
When submitting samples via E-mail all samples must be packaged in a .ZIP file. When creating this .ZIP file, it is important to understand that the .ZIP can be no more than 3 megabytes in size and can contain no more than 30 files.
Additionally, any .ZIP file created must be password-protected using the password "infected" (minus the ""). Failure to follow these guidelines will cause your submission to be rejected.
It works by adding an extra heuristic layer to the detection engine, but instead of just detecting something it actually "calls home" to the virus database to double-check before labelling something as a possible threat.
You should go to the Restore tab in Security Center and make sure that it is forwarded to the Threat Center (Avert Laboratories) as, if it is harmless, it will then be excluded from the database automatically.
To send it to the Threat Center outside of Security Center.....
First disable VirusScan:
To temporarily turn off VirusScan do the following:
Double-click the taskbar icon to open Security Center
Click Advanced Menu (bottom left)
Click Configure (left)
Click Computer & Files (top left)
You can disable VirusScan in the right-hand module and tell it for how long.
Then click the Restore button (left & assuming it was quarantined) & restore the item.
Send the file to Avert for analysis:
Email file to: virus_research@avertlabs.com
When submitting samples via E-mail all samples must be packaged in a .ZIP file. When creating this .ZIP file, it is important to understand that the .ZIP can be no more than 3 megabytes in size and can contain no more than 30 files.
Additionally, any .ZIP file created must be password-protected using the password "infected" (minus the ""). Failure to follow these guidelines will cause your submission to be rejected.
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