Clan ExPen

Rank:~~~we are new xD(14400~ as of 9/1/2012)~~~

Clan summary:

ExPen is a Fun clan that will take anyone who can speak english.
It's okay if you dont live in NA as long as you think you have a stable ping your in!
HF CFing!


[-]Must be able to speak English.
[-]14 years or older or mature.
[-]A mic will be helpful.
[-]Must be able to CW at least once in a while.

[-]No hack of ANY type is allowed you WILL be 100% kicked.
[-]No gliching.
[-]No insulting clan mates.
[-]No insulting anyone in game *UNLESS* they started it and it hurt you first.
[-]No clan hopping.
[-]No random kicking other players in game.
[-]MUST 8*Have*8 FUN !*-*

[-]KDR: (just tell us this won't matter, it will be better if you have cw.exp and 1.3+)
[-]Do you like cw?
[-]Have you been into CW's?
copy/ paste the above info, log on you z8 account and click this bottem

**We play on North American (alpha bravo.... etc) and reg clan server.**
Clan War
We will be doing CW as much as possible,
If we have 3+ people on we will always CW.

From ground;Look up ~Feeling the sin, From war;Look down ~We are ExPen.

***Many Thanks to [iBob]/BobRawrs for helping with this thread***

Clan's offical image weapon ''Gatling''
Gold ________________________Ammo: 175/525_(mm)+ 2 Magazines
Normal_______________________Ammo: 150/450 _(mm)+ 2 Magazines
