Anarchy. Looking for players

Descend into anarchy..... Ran by ImKlutch and Klutch.Jr, ya digging dat?

Big, large, humungous ego. Be Feisty. Sassy.
Either Canadian or American.
Mic-Yes or No.
Gamesense (ironic, isn’t it?)
Be decent
Fun is complete BS. I joke, of course. We're fun, sort of.
Most sassy. Be sexy. Be confident.

Message either Klutch.Jr or ImKlutch in game, or Xfire Klutchjr (can barely use it). In game message would be ideal...I know... we sound lame, give us a chance.
Look us up

We'll be accepting every E8 applicant for the time being, and may make cuts. Don't miss your chance of playing with both Klutch's.
