M249 saw

We need a new machine gun. And we need a useful machine gun, not that M60 good for nothing. OK it can prove accurate, but only if you crouch and shoot one bullet at a time, exactly what you're not supposed to do with an MG.

I want a spray'n'pray cannon. I want a weapon like Nostradamus once prophesied "aim for the feet, and lead they will eat". A true "Ratatatatatatatatatata" MG. If you have already played Counter-Strike you will understand what I mean.

a voice far away : just ignore him, he played too much today...


  • We need a new machine gun. And we need a useful machine gun, not that M60 good for nothing. OK it can prove accurate, but only if you crouch and shoot one bullet at a time, exactly what you're not supposed to do with an MG.

    I want a spray'n'pray cannon. I want a weapon like Nostradamus once prophesied "aim for the feet, and lead they will eat". A true "Ratatatatatatatatatata" MG. If you have already played Counter-Strike you will understand what I mean.

    a voice far away : just ignore him, he played too much today...
    i agree they should put the mg36 in the game, it has 100 ammo clips, but otherwise theres a thompson.
  • If they put MG36 or MG42 or any weapon that's precise and deadly,like an mg42,all the n00bs will buy the weapon and begin to camp and do killing spree,and the game would not be an fast themed anymore,it will be like WW2,with campers all-around..
  • um how about no cuz there are assualt rifles and sub machine guns
    if ur askng for 1 gun to rule them all then no
    but we really dont need a new machine gun cuz machine guns are stu[pid in this game
    once u start shooting, did u ever notice that the bullets start to spread?
    well it would apply for a mg too, so suppressing fire is out of the question
    and spray and pray cannons would make the game unfair
    u can hav eaccurate and low power
    or high power and low accuracy
    not high accuracy and high power
    and who uses a mg to spray?
    theyre not used like that in real life