Moonshot Competitive questions

1. 1st CF team I played with
2. 1st competitive CF team I played with
3. most well known IGN
4. how many people have I bought ZP for (Under 5, 5-10, 10-15, 20-30, or over 30
5. name at least 5 of my past IGNs
6. what was the best team I was on
7. 2 players that I played with the longest (Hint: they don't play anymore, but were both well known)
8. How much time have I been both on this game and off as of 2010

1st person to get this correct gets a steam game worth 30 dollars or less, and you know that's a steal with the 75% off steam summer sale

EDIT: Only 1 chance, and you must post in this thread
