Guess what i did... bought over 1250 winchester/thompson crates funny huh lol, thats not all not even did i get winchester worst gun in game 4 times ROFL but i saw the thompson 14 times AHAHAHAA funny xD, ooh and m16s-c crates about 400 and anaconda adv alltogether 800, Ster Aug-c 500, and Desert eagle-c 500, man and i never won any hahahaha i laugh, i only see them on the sides LMFAO i bet nobody can beat these reccords and i have screenshots of every gun that i saw on side just will take foever to upload them all and so many haha ^^ only gun i ever Won was Ak-47-s IDK i must have taked years luck outa me hehe the rest i can get so many from sooo many coupons i put in about $500 in this game big supporter woot woot ^^ oh well maybe some day.. :) see ya keep rockin on!!!!
