
First of all, I'd like to give my thanks to the Crossfire staff for putting up a fine patch with some good additions and replacements.

Now that I've done my thank you, I have to lay down my whines.

Today I've played 21 games (so far), I've been able to complete 7 games. I've deserted 2 due to the laggers (seriously, facing a team full of 150+ pingers is no fun..)

Then there are the votekicks, I've been votekicked 12 times today. Plainly because people don't like me having ACE/MVP or because they think I hack.

I've been able to only take a few screenshots of ingame scores before getting kicked, because as sneaky as players have become, they don't spam F11 F11 F11. They just say I hack, rack, wall, aimbot, hp hack, bullet hack, ammo hack WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF AS FRIGGIN ACRONYMS.

I'm so BLOODY sick and tired of the whiners. Watch out for the ROMANIA clan, cause if you do well, they kick you. Along with a bunch of other clans who are so friggin noob to kick everyone that's better then them.

On top of that, I've been votekicked twice in the last 30 seconds of the whole match

I'm already looking around for other games and I'm pretty sure other "decent and/or skilled" players are doing the same cause this whole votekick system is just too ridiculous.

