CCC First match up predictions

Matches that will be played are A/B/C/D/F/H/J/L OF [UB]

A: HAMMERTIME vs. bombclip (HAMMERTIME) 14-8

B: Will be a very good game i'm guessing, Crypton vs. Fragstars (crypton.) 14-12

C: PDF vs. Lifeisgood (PDF) 14-5

D: Efrag vs. Invert. (eFrag) 14-1

F: WinOut vs. sensation (WinOut) 14-7

H: Triad vs. Everlast.USA I asked blackout he says (Triad) 14-10

J: HHCC vs. Basic (HHCC) 14-10

L: HWG vs. Trainz Another close game but i think (HWG) 14-12

Post your predictions below mine.
