Fight4Frag Drafts Info.
Fight4Frag will be starting weekly the drafts the week of July 1st and run two a week until the last week before Labor Day. Here's all the information about the drafts that you will need to know including rules, times, and other information. If you have any questions/concerns or comments please contact us via commenting on the thread or reaching us on the ventrilo listed below.
Tuesday: 9PM Est. Depending on the amount of people that show up it will last about an hour.
Thursday: 9PM Est. Depending on the amount of people that show up it will last about an hour.
Map Selection:
Maps will be chosen with a list randomizer that will list the following maps in a random order which we will use for each round of that draft: Black Widow, Port, Eagle Eye, Ceyhan, Castle, The Mine, Compound, Factory, Mexico, and Ankara.
Room Specifications
Name: F4F Draft (Team# vs. Team#)
Mode: SnD
Rounds: 7
Max Players: 16
Observers: (Checked) Max Six Persons.
Password: (Chosen by who made the room and Pm'd via in-game to a member of the opposing team)
Location Of Draft Rooms
General Specifications
Character Options:
Weapon Choices:
All Weapons allowed as they are not the following: M12s, Scar Light, xm8, GP Crate, ZP Crate, Coupon Weapon or ZP/BP Weapon.
Throwing Weapons:
Basic Grenades,Flashes,Smokes only.
Important Notes:
Armor is not allowed. Period.
You will be required to record all drafts and keep them up to 7days after the draft has completed. If suspected of hacking you will be asked to submit your recording via Youtube. You are required to use the following recording devices while in the draft: Bandicam or Fraps.
Recording Settings:
-Half Size, 5FPS, Quality 30.
Ventrilo Information
Location of the Draft: 1337
Location of Draft Assistance: 4936
Finals Words
If you have anything logical that could be added to any of this thread please comment it below. We are always in need of assistance from players in adding new information. We are looking for assistance with running the drafts we would love to hear from you by commenting below or reaching us on our Draft assistance Vent. Hope to see you all at the drafts when they start.
Have a nice day.
*All the above listed information can and will be changed at any time at sole discretion of Fight4Frag Crossfire Staff without warning*
Why do you expect prizes? This is a draft to get people to still communicate with each other, and have fun drafting together. No need for low lifes like yourself asking whats in it for them. Get off these forums bub.And might I add, prizes aren't always the best, Frost Gaming had prizes for the top 2 fraggers. Where did that go? Well, everybody on both teams would be baiting for frags, and it's not even around anymore.There will not be any prizes! Maybe in the future when we has loads of Money but as in for now! Now PRIZES!
You need to be made of money for $10 each draft? OK! -
If we stick to the 2 a week schedule until the last week before Labor Day Weekend (As Planned) we would have 18Drafts the hole summer. (10.00x5)x18= Would be $900.00 Even just doing prizes every Thursday would be $450.00
No one in the Fight4Frag Organization wants to pay $400-900 Dollars just for greedy and egotistical people (Like you Patrick) to get more zp out of us. Handing out zp for Tournaments is one thing, but Spending that amount of money for Drafts is just out right wrong. -
If we stick to the 2 a week schedule until the last week before Labor Day Weekend (As Planned) we would have 18Drafts the hole summer. (10.00x5)x18= Would be $900.00 Even just doing prizes every Thursday would be $450.00
No one in the Fight4Frag Organization wants to pay $400-900 Dollars just for greedy and egotistical people (Like you Patrick) to get more zp out of us. Handing out zp for Tournaments is one thing, but Spending that amount of money for Drafts is just out right wrong.
Anyone can pay $400-$900 over 18 weeks, I guess it would be hard to pay that amount of money seeing as F4F's assets don't even add up to $400. It has nothing to do with people being greedy or my ego, it has to do with the fact that no one (and I do mean no one) will ever step foot in your draft without something to play for. Hey guys let's all play a draft for about 5 hours for the fun of it! -
patrick_jane wrote: »Prizes > no prizes. Who on earth would want to play a tournament/draft for nothing? think for once, actually scratch that don't I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
What slaya meant was: You're too stupid to even begin thinking, and if you did their is the possibility of you injuring yourself because you're that much of an insipid fool. -
Suko, or whoever you are, an put emphasis on the WHOEVER. The furthest you will get in life is being a z8games forum troll.
Please stay on topic people.
I never post on alts kid. Trying to insult me is rather stupid. You aren't even out of high school yet, you troll yourself in almost EVERY post you make, and you think you're cool on the internet because you can't get a single friend in your neighborhood to consider hanging out with you, let alone a girlfriend. Why don't you go look at some sites, consider changing your looks, attitude, and go back out there instead of looking like an idiot on here and being the bud of our jokes? You're 16, you have time to turn your life around, instead of being a bullied insecure kiddie on the internet.
/rant over -
There will not be any prizes! Maybe in the future when we has loads of Money but as in for now! Now PRIZES!Making fun of the way i talk? so what if i like to talk like dem black guys.. --. pfshh.. lol
My name is Kira and I do not approve of these typos.
@On topic -
There is no need for anymore argument(s) on this thread. We've already settled that there will be no prizes for Fight4Frag's drafts. If you have any beef with any players in this thread, please bring it into private messages. This thread is for anything draft related and for any questions that need to be answered. -
agreed, and on a side note: Kira, you need to clean your shoes, they're stinking up the closet space........
and p.s. : also need a new light bulb, this one broke, and is showering down sparks......
I would question how this is draft related, but I fear the answer I will receive.
I don't have any shoes in my closet nor a light bulb. Are you sure you're hiding in the correct one? -
I would question how this is draft related, but I fear the answer I will receive.
I don't have any shoes in my closet nor a light bulb. Are you sure you're hiding in the correct one?My name is Kira and I do not approve of these typos.
@On topic -
There is no need for anymore argument(s) on this thread. We've already settled that there will be no prizes for Fight4Frag's drafts. If you have any beef with any players in this thread, please bring it into private messages. This thread is for anything draft related and for any questions that need to be answered.agreed, and on a side note: Kira, you need to clean your shoes, they're stinking up the closet space........
and p.s. : also need a new light bulb, this one broke, and is showering down sparks......
Thanks for staying on topic. Nt.
Craig. I thought you rage quit Cross Fire and the Division yet you still go on the forums and post unnecessary giber gabbel here? Makes me wonder. -
I don't understand how your company works and cannot see one reason why you can run a successful draft.
You had IVGrafix draft you up a website design which you didn't pay for ( and you host your website on a overselling host (JustHost) using a DynDNS service because you don't know how to point DNS servers ( as well as your script/website license is expired (
The hilarious part is that you act as if you have a choice to give prizes when you clearly do not, if you cannot manage a simple premade website then how can we expect you to host a draft successfully?
FYI: Good try changing the hostname for your ventrilo, it's the elitegaming (EG) draft vent.. probably going to be ran by the same bafoons.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Same IP, same port... even if you have new staff and promise to host a better draft then why change the hostname? Just like Dcommander changing names every few months to avoid bad reputation.. (Elite Gaming, Frost Bite Gaming, Wicked gaming..)
You lack the professionalism and resources to host a professional draft on this game and by you hosting it decreases the quality of the game (like that was possible, but you found a way.)
>frostgaming draft starts up
>nek week elitegaming draft shuts down
>frostgaming cancels drafts
>elite gaming returns as f4f to try and start drafts again
seems legit men
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