the new e8

As most of you guys know, e8 has been run over by Brs. Well, i know this is kind of stupid,lol, but why dont we all move to e10. I was on today. No brs. Couple old e8 plyers pubbing. I thin kits a good idea, Do you?


  • indeed welfare has been pub in this channel since reason patch
  • Who cares? it's not like echo 8 is some sort of sacred channel where people aren't allowed to play if they don't scrim...
  • if you want a channel to pub with fellow low pingers, go post in barracks, echo 8 was never meant to be a pub channel for any kind of player, please go post in the barracks like i said where you can take your ignorance with the rest of the people there like lolli and the mods etc..people can still get scrims there, it's not like they're crashing rooms or something..
  • All i meant to say is, do you want to play with Brs? I never stated e8 was sacred, but thats where got scrims and pubbed with out any brs. So why not just do it in e10 where no Outsiders join to bother us?
  • All i meant to say is, do you want to play with Brs? I never stated e8 was sacred, but thats where got scrims and pubbed with out any brs. So why not just do it in e10 where no Outsiders join to bother us?

    Brs in pubs? = +Kdr.
    I understand you, but I don't think this should be a problem unless they start crashing/ hacking rooms like little btch ass kids.
  • Falloutt wrote: »
    if you want a channel to pub with fellow low pingers, go post in barracks, echo 8 was never meant to be a pub channel for any kind of player, please go post in the barracks like i said where you can take your ignorance with the rest of the people there like lolli and the mods etc..people can still get scrims there, it's not like they're crashing rooms or something..

    Nice of you to tell us how things are meant to be. Im sure cf was meant to be a good game too. Unfortunately things aren't always what they are meant to be, sometimes for the good sometimes for the bad
  • so fallout what you saying is you know all the conditions why echo 8 start. Well first let me tell you are wrong echo 8 first started to be used competitively with wogl tournament. then people stated to use them for scrims non related to wogl then people started to think.. hey since alot of competitve player are already here we can pub here and dont have to deal with Br's (aka high pingers), m12 user, Ac spop, etc.. So before you start troll and sh.iting on people new know what defuq u are talking about.
  • God i cant stand you troll this is the reason why alot of companies/league will not support this game cause of the trolling **** community
  • so fallout what you saying is you know all the conditions why echo 8 start. Well first let me tell you are wrong echo 8 first started to be used competitively with wogl tournament. then people stated to use them for scrims non related to wogl then people started to think.. hey since alot of competitve player are already here we can pub here and dont have to deal with Br's (aka high pingers), m12 user, Ac spop, etc.. So before you start troll and sh.iting on people new know what defuq u are talking about.

    You're INSANELY stupid. Echo-8 scrimming did NOT start because of WOGL. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

    What you just posted is telling me that you're one of those random e-8 pubstars who thing the channel is SO SPECIAL. The channel is for setting up easy scrims. Nothing else. Anyone can use the channel. Get over it.

    Btw your grammar is that of a 2 year old.
  • so fallout what you saying is you know all the conditions why echo 8 start. Well first let me tell you are wrong echo 8 first started to be used competitively with wogl tournament. then people stated to use them for scrims non related to wogl then people started to think.. hey since alot of competitve player are already here we can pub here and dont have to deal with Br's (aka high pingers), m12 user, Ac spop, etc.. So before you start troll and sh.iting on people new know what defuq u are talking about.

    LOLOLOLOLOL. Terribly wrong. Echo 8 was around long before wogl. Please don't talk you ignorant idiot.
  • Scapestarx wrote: »
    Right here you're clearly stating that the old "Echo 8" isn't the same! As if you knew what it used to be. Go kill yourself.

    So what you saying is you know what it used to be and clearly he does'nt , you see want u said is a contradiction go kill urself
  • ryangi wrote: »
    LOLOLOLOLOL. Terribly wrong. Echo 8 was around long before wogl. Please don't talk you ignorant idiot.

    first i didnt say the sever was created for wogl **** i said people started to use it when wogl started to use it idiot.
  • So what you saying is you know what it used to be and clearly he does'nt , you see want u said is a contradiction go kill urself

    Yes because "Fris***ky" Is a garbage random player much like yourself.
  • first i didnt say the sever was created for wogl **** i said people started to use it when wogl started to use it idiot.

    If you could read on more than a second grade level you'd see Ryangi's post.

    ryangi wrote: »
    Terribly wrong. Echo 8 was around long before wogl. Please don't talk you ignorant idiot.
  • You're INSANELY stupid. Echo-8 scrimming did NOT start because of WOGL. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

    What you just posted is telling me that you're one of those random e-8 pubstars who thing the channel is SO SPECIAL. The channel is for setting up easy scrims. Nothing else. Anyone can use the channel. Get over it.

    Btw your grammar is that of a 2 year old.

    im sorry clearly your my English teacher and you must have your master's in grammer. First i have been playing competitvely for years. 2nd i never said that i knew all conditions how echo 8 started to be used i said that the direction that fallout was going was clearly wrong so i pointed that out. before u go ripping on someone for have a idea know what the you are saying. then you**** came out of no where doing the same Also clearly you spend to much on these forum and you must have nothing going for you in life so you try to come on here "act like a toughguy" cause you just jump into random conv's trying to start a pis.sing contest. Goodday sir
  • first i didnt say the sever was created for wogl **** i said people started to use it when wogl started to use it idiot.

    from what i remember we started using echo 8 because the clan server was crashing or w/e. Scrims sucked because you would always have 1 or more people drop even before the game started. Then came along wogl and because everyone was already using echo 8 for scrims they decided to make that the channel of their choice. Once wogl season started they had pre-game pubs also within echo 8. Eventually people started creating pubs there because it was widely known as the "competitive" channel but tbh it's overflowed with the same morons as any other channel in this game. Nevertheless echo 8 was not meant for pubbing nor wogl but it's just a channel so people could do w/e...
  • Nice of you to tell us how things are meant to be. Im sure cf was meant to be a good game too. Unfortunately things aren't always what they are meant to be, sometimes for the good sometimes for the bad

    i'm sure your parents meant to get an abortion instead of having you...
  • im sorry clearly your my English teacher and you must have your master's in grammer. First i have been playing competitvely for years. 2nd i never said that i knew all conditions how echo 8 started to be used i said that the direction that fallout was going was clearly wrong so i pointed that out. before u go ripping on someone for have a idea know what the you are saying. then you**** came out of no where doing the same Also clearly you spend to much on these forum and you must have nothing going for you in life so you try to come on here "act like a toughguy" cause you just jump into random conv's trying to start a pis.sing contest. Goodday sir

    After about 10 minutes of trying to understand what this post is trying to say, I think I finally understand.
    This moron is a wannabe competitive player that has done ABSOLUTELY nothing. He also probably thinks he's good and thinks he's not a reject in the competitive scene.

    act like a tough guy? lol where did I ever try to say I was a tough guy? I was merely sitting you down because you have not the slightest clue what you're talking about. Go back to your pubs or go play mw3 or something..

    btw the direction fallout was going was completely right.
  • ryangi wrote: »
    The idea of a scrim server was created in beta, long before the clan server was made. Back then we used something like Bravo 4. Once the game got bigger it migrated to a new server, then a new one and so on until the clan server came out. For a while we still had "echo 8" scrims until competitive play started to die until it was non existent and people used the clan server. Then a few people/teams. x2, lifeline, wolfpack, etc. Brought it back and then the echo 8 we know was formed. It's lasted for a longer time then any of the others. Once that started competitive play came back and has lasted.

    Correct .
  • ryangi wrote: »
    The idea of a scrim server was created in beta, long before the clan server was made. Back then we used something like Bravo 4. Once the game got bigger it migrated to a new server, then a new one and so on until the clan server came out. For a while we still had "echo 8" scrims until competitive play started to die until it was non existent and people used the clan server. Then a few people/teams. x2, lifeline, wolfpack, etc. Brought it back and then the echo 8 we know was formed. It's lasted for a longer time then any of the others. Once that started competitive play came back and has lasted.

    hmm k thanks for elaborating. i didn't join the "competitive" community prior to november of 2010 so i wouldn't know what happened in beta
  • Even if e8 moves the br's just see a server with people and join so it will happen no matter were we go...
  • dont play pubs and you dont have a problem.
  • Scapestarx wrote: »
    Yes because "Fris***ky" Is a garbage random player much like yourself.

    LOL, we are talking about e8, and then you bring my name up in this convo. You should shut up. You ***ing shiet head
  • LOL, we are talking about e8, and then you bring my name up in this convo. You should shut up. You ***ing shiet head
    So what you saying is you know what it used to be and clearly he does'nt,
  • God i cant stand you troll this is the reason why alot of companies/league will not support this game cause of the trolling **** community

    CSS community is probably x10 worse than this community.

    This community consists of nerds who think they are smart and can troll like Ck.
  • lls.. Sir your still on a subject i no longer care about and i said Good-day meaning your exists is irrelevant. Also your unproven player. can you name a team that has done or will do anything? yeahhh
  • can you name a team that has done or will do anything? yeahhh

    Area 51 - vVv LifeLine - LPK - HammerTime - TBA

    I win?
  • Area 51 - vVv LifeLine - LPK - HammerTime - TBA

    I win?

    team liquid