Crossfire Bunny Hopping Tutorial - Visual and very well expained!

Welcome to my tutorial
This guide is to show you how to bunny hop in Ghost Mode on Crossfire as BL.
This guide will be separated in different sections which I will call generations

Things you will need to know .. The Hop and Process
Bunny Hopping is used for ghosts to move around quickly, quietly and unseen by anyone if done correctly. It is an easy to learn skill for any ghost users to use at all times. As you learn to bunny hop you will get a rhythm for when to “Hop” or jump again to continue the process. A process is the period from the starting hop to the landing, before starting the next hop is one process. Each process, on a leveled area, will have the same process time. Meaning, every time you would jump again for the next process will be the same intervals. In example, from the start of the process onto the end of the process to continue to the next process takes about 2 seconds. So, you’ll jump, or press space, every 2 seconds. If you don’t understand any of this now, continue reading. When you’re done, this is always here for you to review on for you to understand. I’m sure you’ll will.

Tips: The longer you hold Space (Jump Key) the longer the process is. Also, remember that not all ground is exactly leveled. Know the rhythm to adjust to higher or lower grounds, meaning press Space (Jump Key) sooner or later than you’ll usually would.

1st generation: aka Run Hopper

Difficulty: Easiest
Keys involved: Space
Definition: This generation is usually used for quick escapes or for beginner bunny hoppers. What you will be doing is running, then pressing and holding CTRL (Crouch Key) and pressing Space (Jump Key) just before you would hit the ground. That will start you into the first process. Jump again to continue.


To use this effectively, run and then jump. Then, hold CTRL while you’re are in midair and press space before you hit the ground. This is commonly used to quickly get out of fire and move to another location when you’re detected.

2nd Generation: aka The Bunny Hopper
Difficulty: Medium
Keys Involved: Space + CTRL + S
Definition: The classic bunny hop. From crouching position, you are able to move without being noticed without using the 1st generation starting method.


To use this effectively, keep holding CTRL. Press Space (Jump Key) and S (Backwards Key) to begin the first process. Hold S (Backwards Key) and keep pressing Space (Jump Key) to start each process to continue.

[No video, I'm tired...]

3rd Generation aka The Advance Bunny Hopper

Difficulty: Hard
Keys Involved: Space + CTRL + S & D or A
Definition: The advance 2nd Generation bunny hop with twists and turns.

This is just like the 2nd Generation Bunny Hop but only this time turning. Only difference is the movement. When you're bunny hopping, you can simply turn around with the mouse and press W (Forward Key) of where you want to go with the combinations of A (Left Key) and D (Right Key).

Thank you for ready and hope you appreciate the work I put into this.
