Looking for clan

hi everyone, my name joey obvs,

my ign is Joey. http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=6026324

i got a 2+ KDR ( who cares? )

Killing tools(jajajaja): awm, i can use a AR, but they nerfed the m4, :'(..

im 16, (no squeaky voice) thats a + imo

Got Vent and mic

Active s&d scrim clan

Probably wont be active this upcomming week cause i got finals and that sort of stuff

im usually active monday,wednesday,friday,weekends.

sometimes not sunday, gotta pay my respect to the man above.

im willing to download other form of communication program, just help me set it up.

im willing to do a try out's

I will not join a clan with 50+ members

I will not join a clan that's mainly BR's or turks

I will not join a clan that has tons of drama...

I will not join a clan that doesnt have a form of communication other than the ingame chat.

Prefer a clan with chill people, funny and stuff

I dont mind people that flame me that are in the clan, i can take it, i can take a joke

Im eastern time zone usa

contact me at cf hotmail: joecf33@hotmail.com

haushauah me no hak men.

dont waste my time with scrub clans please :)

and i growler/fraps if u prefer that.

if i like your clan im pretty loyal and will stay in it..i don't like clan hopping
