alberttime wrote: »Yeah. Because going to community is so wrong. Just because I didn't get soaring numbers in high school, or decide to do advanced/honors classes, makes me less than you.
And if you weren't trying to impress anyone, why would you try to say you're superior to someone on the internet. You are also very afraid of showing your face, self esteem issues. Rather laughable.
Stop trying to judge me over the internet when you know me as far as you can throw me. Zip.
What else you wanna try to prove big lips?
yeah that does make you less than me. Im not trying to impress anyone, im stating that i am superior because you think you have the right to troll anyone when you are suko?
ahahha i dont have problems posting pictures, but tell me, WHAT WOULD BE THE REASON ON THIS FORUM? judging over the internet? i know everything there is need to know, you are ****ign stupid and try to impress people on a forum. All i gotta say is good luck big guy, id love to waste more time on explaining how you are a useless human being but not the effort because this is what you actually do all day and i dont want to waste my day typing -
yeah that does make you less than me. Im not trying to impress anyone, im stating that i am superior because you think you have the right to troll anyone when you are suko?
ahahha i dont have problems posting pictures, but tell me, WHAT WOULD BE THE REASON ON THIS FORUM? judging over the internet? i know everything there is need to know, you are ****ign stupid and try to impress people on a forum. All i gotta say is good luck big guy, id love to waste more time on explaining how you are a useless human being but not the effort because this is what you actually do all day and i dont want to waste my day typing
Wow aL. I understand why Slaya cracks jokes about you every time I play a game with him and Jon. You honestly are trying to say that because I cheated in an online F2P game, I have no right to talk? You're telling someone over the internet they don't have a right to talk?
And you're crazy, I just got back on forums after 2 months of doing other things. and if you read the first post, you would've known that. But no, you're clearly a smarter person than me, superior even though you're still in high school, with no proof that you are even going to college at all.
Sorry, but opinions from a big lipped ignorant ugly nerdgin don't bother me. -
alberttime wrote: »Wow aL. I understand why Slaya cracks jokes about you every time I play a game with him and Jon. You honestly are trying to say that because I cheated in an online F2P game, I have no right to talk? You're telling someone over the internet they don't have a right to talk?
And you're crazy, I just got back on forums after 2 months of doing other things. and if you read the first post, you would've known that. But no, you're clearly a smarter person than me, superior even though you're still in high school, with no proof that you are even going to college at all.
Sorry, but opinions from a big lipped ignorant ugly nerdgin don't bother me.
yes im in high school and i am smarter? slaya is the biggest joke to this date on our mumble, Jon has a wild imagination and probably also tells you he sleeps with cassie and makes 300k a year, am i right? youre right i am smarter even though im in high school. Im going to college dont worry about it br0. My opinions dont bother you, you seem rattled and keep responding to me. EREP IS EVERYTHING RIGHT? cya scrub -
yes im in high school and i am smarter? slaya is the biggest joke to this date on our mumble, Jon has a wild imagination and probably also tells you he sleeps with cassie and makes 300k a year, am i right? youre right i am smarter even though im in high school. Im going to college dont worry about it br0. My opinions dont bother you, you seem rattled and keep responding to me. EREP IS EVERYTHING RIGHT? cya scrub
I'm not rattled, and I'm not bothered. You keep responding. You're the one who is having a hissy fit.
And no, Jon doesn't tell me that. I never said anything about Erep. You're the one who tried to say I couldn't talk because I cheated on a F2P game.
You're pathetic. But hey, at least you can put "played for hammertime after they went to LAN on crossfire" on your resume. right? -
yes im in high school and i am smarter? slaya is the biggest joke to this date on our mumble, Jon has a wild imagination and probably also tells you he sleeps with cassie and makes 300k a year, am i right? youre right i am smarter even though im in high school. Im going to college dont worry about it br0. My opinions dont bother you, you seem rattled and keep responding to me. EREP IS EVERYTHING RIGHT? cya scrub
You contradict yourself so much in your posts it's funny. "Our" mumble? it's not "our" mumble, you don't have anything to do with frostgaming (thank god). And Jon makes much more than 300k per year, you're a pathetic loser who is conceited about how he looks (I would be too if I looked like you tbh, no wonder you think my pictures are fake because you're not used to seeing good looking people considering you don't see many people at all outside of your home).
Don't try and troll suko for no reason at all when he like the rest of the community is just making fun of the new punching bag (that being you). I mean you're among a list with gurp, klutchkiller and so many more well known people that are complete and utter jokes. E-Rep isn't everything, but it's not like you have a reputation in real life for being a success story, if anything you would be lucky to even go to college and you make fun of suko for going to community college, lolcatzzzzzzz.
Long story short, I've pretty much proved to everyone that you are
1) ugly
2) a failure
and most importantly the only thing you can insult suko on is regarding to crossfire, such a pathetic little momma's boy. better whipe that milk off your mouth, we can actually see it dripping from your lips.
rant over.
edit: pipebomb deployed -
baahahahaha you call your self sexy on your alt, how pathetic are you? people make fun of me how i look, good one because im not ugly. But you on the other hand look like a complete tool. Especially the shirtless picture, that made me laugh, thats some body you got there. How i am Superior? ill be successful in life, while you wont, im better than you at the games you play daily, and on top of it i dont go out of my way to impress anybody on these forums. So instead of trying to achieve fame online, id work on your school work because last time we talked , you were failing bobo classes in high school. Youre response is you look good? thats funny because youre gonna go nowhere with women when you are a 5 6 'manlet' cleaning dishes the rest of your life. So have fun kid.
edit; what did i say that i am not in person? You think youre gonna make something out of your life with no education these days? Wish i lived in the world you live in.
double post because yolo.
some would say to succeed is to achieve a goal or an aspiration. what ever that being it's their choice and their definition of success is different from yours. stop trying to be a wannabe tastylimes because you're not very good at insulting people regarding real life. and it's evident you don't have any experience in the real world, unless of course you count your experiences with sheepbacon and pvk on minecraft. unlike you, suko doesn't have an ego he can't back up. if you were even remotely on the path to success (depending on what your definition of success is) for you im assuming its going to wcg and you're probably not going to go any way since "your mouse and keyboard lags and your screen is choppy". but we'll understand why you dodged lan (if there will be a lan) because you're absolutely hideous and you're looking into a crooked mirror if you think otherwise.
well that's pretty much it, i've covered every single aspect of your failures and i hope you learn from my posts because your mom is too lenient and doesn't have the heart to tell you to get your ass off the computer and go outside, i had to play the role.
good luck being the success story you claim you are aL, would really love to see you prove me wrong.
i don't know why you started this whole thing in the first place, all of this could of been avoided if you just kept your mouth shut for once. but i'm glad i've gotten everything i needed to say off my chest. that's pretty much it, also when you read this i'm just telling you ahead of time you probably will get banned from either jon or myself. i wish i lived in your world where you aren't a complete and utter moronic failure spastic big lipped goat face momma's boy.
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