Looking for a Clan

Ill keep this **** I plan on leaving my small clan because hardly anyones on and its very hard to get a scrims going etc etc etc.

I'm looking for a clan that actively scrim's, doesn't hack (obviously), and that speaks English. (If anyone in your clan hacks I don't want to be part of it) Just to note if its a small clan it better be active I'm starting to not like these small clans.
Also its a + but not required for me if you have room in your clans for more people my friends in the other clan might jump ship if I do too. I also don't care if your clan is completely filled with noobs. Noobs make good meat shields and radars. (though I prefer good players)

For me I have a Mic, Skype, and vent.
10/10 noobs think I'm a Walkhack, chammer, aimbot, movebot, clickbot etc.
I have been reported (or supposively reported) by some 30+ people all claiming I would banned on sight but I'm am still here so yea I'm legit.
My ping is usually in the 40-65 range.
I do not buy ZP I have gotten everything from the free surveys that Z8 has been offering. I like to work for my stuff.
I work best in small teams (3v3 4v4)
I'm ok 1v1 but those extremely boring and I tend to slack off.
Heres the link to my profile: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5809047

Let me know if I qualify. If you want to test me first because you believe actions speak louder than KDR you can message me I will be on from now till about 4-5pm Eastern time. I will check back later tonight and leave my old clan around then as well.
