How to pick a clan

I dont know about you guys but whenever i play crossfire i see people who are unhappy with their clans. I want to try and make a guide on how to choose the "perfect" clan. In this guide i will include some rules to look at when choosing a clan. If i missed something just put a comment with the rule. As soon as i think of new rules i will add some.If this is the wrong section you can move it to clan section (plz dont :D).

Rule 1: Rank doesn't matter. People aren't impressed by clan rank (since most of the top 100 clan farm) so don't just choose a random top 100 clan.
Rule 2: Maturity level. If you are a gamer who looks for mature gaming then it would be wise to choose a clan that only allows 16+ guys.
Rule 3:Clan wars. If you like to clan war a lot it will be wise to look at a clan win percentage and the amount of matches they played in before applying.
Rule 4:Chatting services. If you like to talk and communicate with your team mates then it would be smart to look for a clan that provides a chatting service.
Rule 5: Specific mode clans.If you only play ghost mode for example it would be wise to join a ghost mode clan.
Rule 6:Clan points. If a clan requires 20 clan points a week and you cant do that it wont be wise to join a clan.
Rule 7:Friends. If you have some crossfire friends it will be wise to join their clan to make the experience more fun.
