Add IGN change to BP mall?

I personally think adding the IGN change to the BP mall would be a great idea.

A lot of people don't buy ZP just to change their IGN and some can barely afford ZP just for crates or necessary GP for weapons so they cant change it unless they go and buy ZP just for the change.

It would be amazingly convenient if you could buy your ZP for crates ETC and then spend what BP you have on a change of name, like the K/D and Win/Loss reset in the BP mall.

This would be helping the HUGE backlog of BP at the moment as well.

It could be like 2,200 BP and before people are all like 'OIUGFHESLN BUT THAT'S MORE EXPENSIVE THAN JUST BUYING ZP AND GETTING A NAME CHANGE DERR' If you go look at the K/D-W/L reset its also more expensive and its not like you're wasting ZP because you can then spend your ZP on whatever you want and still get a name change ( Assuming you have enough BP)

Anyways, would anyone else like to see this? Or just me?
